Vice chest holds the United States responsible for targeting Sadr’s office voice facility
Vice chest holds the United States responsible for targeting Sadr’s office voice facility
Saturday, August 25 / August 2012 14:27
[Baghdad – where]
MP for the Liberal bloc’s parliamentary Sadrist Awad al-Awadi, the United States responsible for targeting Office of the Martyr al-Sadr.
He said al-Awadi told all of Iraq [where] today that “there is certain information that U.S. intelligence is working on re-incubators terrorist whether al Qaeda or under different names to the country for the purpose of sowing sedition and instability and the survival of their control, but in another way.”
He added that “the political process is unstable so we see daily interventions of the United States, which also affected foreign affairs of Iraq.”
He Awadi said that “the Sadrists and the Iraqi people will not Ingera to sedition stand behind the United States,” noting that “everyone knows the case with Syria and how the British intelligence and the Israeli intervene so the rule comes nomenclature new ones [Free Army] is the new face of the base to extend its control in the region, “he said.
He pointed out that “all these things are U.S. plans because a U.S. base came under the cover and clear when he was the military occupation of the country and now the occupation exists and political information fed and given orders to sow discord and political instability in Iraq and security.”
Sadr City has seen yesterday targeting Friday prayers near the Office of the Martyr Sadr explosion of two bombs killed [19] dead and wounded, according to security sources comes at a time when the country is experiencing a political crisis that lasted several months on the partnership in the state administration and other things. Ended 2
Source: alliraqnews