Vice chest: Abadi does not know what he wants

Vice chest: Abadi does not know what he wants

19/03/2016 16:13

Vice chest - Abadi does not know what he wants[Wayne – special]
deputy for the Sadr movement, said Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi does not know what he wants.
He said the Attorney Mazen Mezni told all of Iraq [where] that “Abadi wants to form a government with something you do not know, so he have to differentiate between a government and build a state capable of all the institutions administration.”
He explained that ” the political blocs have become today, also in crisis real, because they do not know do you remain in the opposition, or be a key part of the government, without the knowledge of their share of the government. ”
He pointed Mezni that” most of the political blocs did not dare to give any candidate because she is afraid to fall in a big problem with al – Abadi, in the process the selection of ministers, stressing that the Sadrists will not present any candidate to the Ministry, according to the will of the chest that the government will be technocrats. ”
He stressed that” sit – ins and demonstrations organized by the mainstream, it will not be canceled except by a decision of its leader , Muqtada al – Sadr, as the political body of the Sadrist movement formed earlier committee I went to most of the political blocs and I explained to Hedda over the discipline of these demonstrations. ”
he predicted Mezni be” the next stage is difficult and bitter and paid for the people, for the absence of national and strategic outlook for the formation of a true technocrat government. ”
The Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi has extended horizon of the political blocs , which ended last Wednesday weeks to submit their Ministerial to change.
the Abadi has formed a “Committee of independent experts” to review the CVs of the candidates and raise the names after the audit and review to the Prime Minister , where there will be more than one name for each bag of technocrats to choose the most efficient, and then displays it on the House of Representatives.
the chairman of the board Representatives Saleem al – Jubouri, last week that al – Abadi approach in the cabinet reshuffle a different approach to the blocks. there is no consensus in this methodology.
it is said that the sit – ins called by the cleric Moqtada al – Sadr began on Friday in front of the gates of the green Zone, and is still going on until now.