Via Alsumaria…Parliamentary Finance reveals the latest developments in the 2024 budget and the reason for its delay

Via Alsumaria…Parliamentary Finance reveals the latest developments in the 2024 budget and the reason for its delay

02-24-2024 | 06:04

Via Alsumaria...Parliamentary Finance reveals the latest developments in the 2024 budget and the reason for its delayAlsumaria News – Politics
The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, revealed today, Saturday, the reasons for the delay in approving the 2024 budget schedules, while indicating that the funds for the localization of the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees will be deducted from the 12.6% allocated to the Kurdistan Region of the budget.
Al-Atwani told Al-Sumaria News, “The Federal Court’s decision to oblige the government to settle the salaries of Kurdistan region employees in Iraqi banks comes to isolate the rights of the citizen and keep them away from political disputes and financial disputes with the region,” noting that the amounts will be taken from the 12.67% that represents the Kurdistan region’s share in The budget is outside the actual spending on the condition that the salaries of the region’s employees are localized to avoid job duplication and duplication of the citizen’s work and it is a clear database for the Ministry of Finance.

Regarding the 2024 budget spending schedules, Al-Atwani confirmed that Parliament is awaiting the receipt of the budget schedules from the government after the government adjusts its position regarding the amount of spending it needs during the current year, and it is likely that the schedules will arrive within two weeks.

He stated that the reasons for the delay in the schedules are due to the need for some spending sections to review and approve the spending plan for the current year for governorates and institutions, indicating that public expenditures are expected to rise during this year compared to the 2023 budget as a result of the entry of new projects.

He considered that if the government was able to adjust its expenditures according to amendments in the schedules only, then the matter would be decided in Parliament within a short time, but if the government decided to make amendments to the original budget, this would enter into the process of legislation, considering that the deficit might rise with the rise in expenditures, but it remains dependent on the size of revenues. The higher the revenue, the lower the deficit.