Venezuelan President: Trump will not be worse than Obama

Venezuelan President: Trump will not be worse than Obama


Venezuelan President - Trump will not be worse than ObamaRoudao – Erbil

said the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, on Tuesday, the US president – elect, Republican Donald Trump, who officially takes office next Friday, “will not be worse than his predecessor (Democrat) Barack Obama.”

The United States largest trading partner for Venezuela, but diplomatic relations have been tense in recent years.

Maduro said, in a press statement, said he “does not have a preview on the (Republican) Trump, and he hopes to build good relations with the US administration of the Republic , ” according to The Associated Press.

The Venezuelan president added that he “is launched hate campaigns against Trump, and he would wait for after coming to power to rule on his foreign policy.”

Maduro accused his US counterpart, Obama ” of being behind what he said was coups in Brazil, Honduras and Paraguay , ” adding that Trump “Whatever changes came toward South America will not be worse than his predecessor , Barack Obama.”

During election campaigns, Trump accused the Socialist administration Modoro ” to exert pressure on the Venezuelan people, and the destruction of the country’s oil – based economy.”

Because of the erosion of oil prices, which constitutes 96% of its revenues, Venezuela is witnessing one of the worst economic crises in its history.

Maduro is due this crisis to what it says are “capitalist conspiracy” led by the United States, but the opposition bear responsibility for this crisis.

Since taking Hugo Chavez (1999- 2013) came to power in Venezuela, Relations between Caracas and Washington, tensions from time to time, while diplomatic relations continue on the Chargé d’affaires level.