US newspaper: Obama’s generals want more US troops in Iraq

US newspaper: Obama’s generals want more US troops in Iraq

22/6/2016 17:50

American soldiers in IraqLong-Presse / Baghdad
US newspaper revealed on Wednesday, the desire of American commanders claim President Barack Obama, he published several other hundreds of US forces in Iraq, stressing the need for such action to promote progress against (Daash) and defeat.
The Washington Post, The Washington Post, in a report today, I followed (range Press), “The American commanders who paint operations against the terrorists in Iraq, plans are preparing requests to send more troops and equipment to the country,” noting that they “believe that those” enhancements necessary to accelerate the eradication Daash. ”
The newspaper added that those “demands had not been officially presented after the White House for approval, they should be subject to scrutiny by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense,” indicating that “information indicates that the senior leaders of the American generals have made it clear to many in Washington about the need for another hundred US troops to do the job properly against Daash. ”
According to several senior officials in the US Army and Congress and the Obama administration, the Washington Post pointed out, that “the generals who are on the ground in Iraq, among them the commander of coalition forces in Iraq, Gen. Sean McFarland, has expressed dissatisfaction and frustration forced to the conditions set by the White House in determining the size of the force sent and procedures that directly restrict military official expression of what it needs, “Adin said it could” affect the preparation of forces in the requests that are sent to Washington. ”
The newspaper quoted deputy army chief of staff, retired Gen. Jack Keane, saying, “What Gen. McFarland is trying to do now is to make another change,” he continued, “when he speaks McFarland again on the need to increase the number of troops it means what it says.”
He said Gen. Keane, that “McFarland and the rest of the generals on the ground need more supervisors aircraft tactical and advisers to be present in the vicinity of the battlefield units,” adding, “but they did not submit formal applications to deploy hundreds of soldiers pressured by their leaders and their superiors.”
He retired general, they “know very well what you do not demand it because they know it will not happen, so there is a reduction in the number because the White House will not approve the more,” he returned that “led to increased frustration rate among military leaders on the subject.”
The White House has agreed on several occasions on a number of specific increases of US forces in Iraq since the start of the campaign against al (Daash) where he officially resides currently in Iraq nearly four thousand military and one hundred US, with officials in Congress and the US military indicate that the presence of 900 US military did not count within that, as elements of special operations deployed on a temporary basis, according to the operational and logistical position, in the way officials say they “constitute a circumvention of the actual statistics of the number of US troops in Iraq,” and always according to the Washington Post.
He went Gen. Keane said, he “got the information from Vice Chief of Army Staff, Gen. Daniel Allen, told him where the White House procedures for controlling the number of troops in Iraq have forced the military to split the units and additional forces complementary with security contractors What hurt military operations with double costs “pointing out that” the number of contractors Americans supporters of the US military in Iraq is unknown but is estimated in the thousands. ”
The Washington Post, said that “Gen. Allen has traveled to Baghdad last May and met with Commander McFarland and the rest of the other generals on the ground where the expressed needs they deem necessary in the war against Daash.”
Gen. Allen said, “The Guest Gen. McFarland what perceives on the ground and the rest of the other leaders express what they need and what it requires of field position.”
According to the Washington Post, that “a group of generals involved in the mission to fight Daash has told members of Parliament and the US Congress in secret that they need more troops to be sent as soon as possible, taking into account the fragility of the current procedures and the time interval between the application and those in which the forces are able to contribute to the battle. ”
In addition, said chairman of the Armed Services Committee of the US parliament, Mac Thornberry, the paper said, “The generals can submit a request to increase troop rate in Iraq, but before that should go back to the National Security Council and see the nature of the reaction they know full well that the White House wants to keep the number of troops to a minimum. ”
The senior administration officials, that “the current campaign against Daash plan going successfully and that all official requests that reach the president receive serious attention,” and argued that “President Obama insists that the war campaign supplies against Daash are constantly moving, taking into account the length of the job other America’s military commitments. ”
US President Barack Obama, agreed in April 2016, to send more than 200 military a new Iraq’s own trainers and technicians forces, while allowing the use of “Apache” aircraft for the first time there against (Daash), he returned that will enable US forces to provide advice and support “more effective” Iraqi units in the battle of Mosul.
The New York Times (The New York Times the US), confirmed in a report in (the thirtieth of January 2016), followed (the long-Presse), that Washington believes that the “blow and lasting blow” directed to organize (Daash) requires sending trainers and additional forces working on the ground with the Iraqi Kurdish and Syrian opposition counterpart, attributed to the pursuit of the Obama administration “to dispel doubts” US public opinion on the feasibility of intervention “deeper” against the organization in the Middle East.
Previously the same newspaper, that confirmed in the (26th January 2016), on the United States to study the possibility of deployment of its forces in military sites in northern Iraq, in preparation for the Liberation of Mosul after the success in Ramadi (110 km west of Baghdad), indicating that one of the points “important and essential” that will be raised between Washington and Baghdad over the proximity in which it will be US trainers and advisers to Iraqi military forces and the Peshmerga forces during the expected attack.