US medics involved the battle of Mosul
US medics involved the battle of Mosul
03/03/2017 18:36
[Oan- up]
He joined the American medics front lines of the battle of Mosul to offer their services for people in the ranks of the Iraqi forces , which is leading efforts to liberalize the right side of the city from the control of Daesh.
And it established the Organization of NYC Medics humanitarian relief , which is working to provide emergency medical services after disasters, Busev clinic in a village about 10 minutes from the battlefields in Mosul, according to the CNN network.
And despite the fact that most of the organization Volunteers have never service in areas where there is a war before, but they are working to provide urgent medical assistance to the injured soldiers with high efficiency.
Most Americans volunteer paramedics, while headed by a German doctor.
The American volunteer Jeff Evans, one of the American volunteers, said that the first thing he said an Iraqi soldier was in critical condition after he woke up from his coma , “do not want to die, I want to go and fight again.”
He explained that the reason he left his wife and child , who was only 11 years to go to a risky area, is the belief that his duty as a parent and a pair requires him to give a living example for his son in the importance of self – denial and work for others.
The organization has provided medical assistance to Nepal in the wake of an earthquake in 2015, as well as following the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan in 2011, and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010.