US intelligence refutes the White House statements about Russian strikes in Syria

US intelligence refutes the White House statements about Russian strikes in Syria

04/10/2015 14:57 GMT

US intelligence refutes the White House statements about Russian strikes in SyriaFollow-up – and babysit – US military intelligence confirmed that the Russian air forces operating in Syria has not bombed any opposition to the US-backed forces other than the alleged White House indicating that Russian fighter jets bombed five Daash sites in Syria and destroyed his command center
Quoted World Tribune newspaper the US say the Deputy Chief of Staff of the US forces for Intelligence Gen. Robert Otto, and I followed “direction Press” that the Russian air force did not bombard such groups of the Syrian opposition, adding that the question of the form of American reaction in the event of such a situation carries recipe HYPOTHETICAL

The newspaper said the chief of staff of US forces for intelligence statements contrary to the claims of White House spokesman Josh Ernest that Russia only target in Syria moderate opposition forces and not Daash said Ernest Russia is making a big mistake they offend appreciation in Syria, where Chen strikes without discrimination.
