US Congress calling for an investigation into the lies of Clinton

US Congress calling for an investigation into the lies of Clinton

Published on: 7-12-2016, 11:17

US Congress calling for an investigation into the lies of ClintonBAGHDAD / Sky Press
Republicans called on members of the US Congress to open a formal investigation into the charges against the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to make false testimony under oath.
The newspaper “Washington Post” reported that the charges related to the certificates made by Clinton in front of a congressional committee on the issue of electronic messages.
The e-mails issue one of the main obstacles on the road to campaign for Clinton, who has already secured her nomination by the Democratic Party to compete in the next election with the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
And referred members of the US House official request for an investigation, the Prosecutor Hyaning Phillips, parallel sent two copies of the same application to the Secretary of the US Justice Loretta Lynch and Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) James Comey.
He said Jason Hawicz which represents the state of Utah and Bob Godleyt which represents Virginia in the US House of Representatives, in their letter that the facts gathered by the “FBI” has achieved in the case of the use of the Clinton-mail to their e-Profile for special professional purposes during filled the post of Secretary of State (2009-2013), lying some testimonies made by Clinton under oath before Congress.
In this context, the US Federal MPs called on the authorities to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether it was necessary to prosecute Clinton Adlaiha because of false testimony before Congress.
Previously, the director of the FBI and the Justice Department recommended not to open a criminal case against Clinton in the case of e-mails, although he stressed that the preliminary investigations proved the failure of the Clinton and her aides have to work with e-mail. In response to the request of the office, the Minister of Justice backed away from directing the official charges against Clinton.
The US State Department resumed its internal investigations into the cause of Clinton’s messages.