US Ambassador to Iraq to deposit video clip on the end of the functions of currency in Iraq

US Ambassador to Iraq to deposit video clip on the end of the functions of currency in Iraq

Fri, 01 Feb 2019 08:06:30

US Ambassador to Iraq to deposit video clip on the end of the functions of currency in IraqThe US ambassador to Iraq said on Friday that he saw great potential for a truly democratic, sovereign, independent and prosperous Iraq. He pointed out that the private and open private sector alone is capable of providing jobs for one million young Iraqis entering the labor market each year.

“I had the privilege of being an American ambassador to Iraq for the past two and a half years, and with the end of my mission, I would like all Iraqis to know that I see great potential for a democratic Iraq,” Sulliman said in a passage in which he addressed a message to the Iraqis as he completed his term as US ambassador to Iraq. Genuine, sovereign, independent and prosperous. ”

“Our unrivaled security cooperation with the Iraqi security forces has united Iraq and contributed to its stability. The United States will continue its partnership with Iraqi forces to provide advice and training to its forces and equip them to ensure a lasting defeat for the security and the rule of law for all Iraqis,” he said.

He explained that “our economic relationship is constantly evolving with the desire of US companies to invest in Iraq, and most importantly, the increasing opportunities for the Iraqi private sector.” He stressed that “the private sector is open and open alone can provide a job opportunity for one million young Iraqis enter the labor market Every year, this sector must serve as the backbone of a stable and prosperous Iraq in the future. ”

“I have many beautiful memories. I have met with young people, artists, journalists, merchants, government officials and clerics. I will cherish the friendship and experience that I have gained when I know this nation with a great history. I will always hope to achieve peace and prosperity for all Iraqis,” he said. “He said.