Urgent [where] reveal new candidates of the political blocs Ministerial change

Urgent [where] reveal new candidates of the political blocs Ministerial change

10.04.2016 18:10

Urgent - reveal new candidates of the political blocs Ministerial change[Where-special]
An informed source for new candidates from the political blocs Ministerial expected to change.
The source told all of Iraq [where] that “the most prominent of these candidates are [Mohammed Ali Hakim] representative of Iraq at the United Nations and for awarding me the position of the Foreign Ministry instead of the current minister , Ibrahim al – Jaafari, a candidate of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council and an alternate for the Ministry of Oil, and the nomination agent the Ministry of Finance Fadel Abdul Nabi [It belongs Kurdish nationalism] as finance minister , instead of the current minister , Hoshyar Zebari. ”
the source added,” will also be put up [Abdul – Jabbar and coffee] for the oil ministry – which is currently a ministry official in Mschar- despite the fact that on this character problematic many “pointing to” put MP from the Union of forces name for Anbar Ghazi al – Gaood province , the Ministry of Agriculture instead Falah Hassan Zeidan, put MP for the coalition of state law , Riad Ghraib to the Ministry of Construction and Housing name. ”
The source pointed to” the existence of political pressure is universally and defense ministers [Khaled Obeidi and Interior [Mohamed Ghaban] ministerial change , “revealing” rejected the Sadrists change Obeidi. ”
He noted that” these names is not determinative of final and we have to be accepted by Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi. ”
It is said that the three presidencies currently hold a meeting with leaders and leaders of political blocs in the headquarters of the presidency to discuss the cabinet reshuffle.
and ends Sunday deadline parliament, 10 days set out in its recent held in 31 of the last March to vote on the ministerial cabin.
