Urgent: Parliamentary Integrity Obeidi was decided to exempt from the Minister of Defense tasks because of his betrayal of the Secretariat

Urgent: Parliamentary Integrity Obeidi was decided to exempt from the Minister of Defense tasks because of his betrayal of the Secretariat

Sat, 13 Aug 2016 11:22:42

Urgent - Parliamentary Integrity Obeidi was decided to exempt from the Minister of Defense tasks because of his betrayal of the SecretariatObserver news / Baghdad ,

said the official spokesman for the Parliamentary Integrity Commission Adel Nouri, on Saturday, that there is a conviction among the majority of the House of Representatives that the Defense Minister Khaled al – Obeidi , can not be trusted to the military establishment, wondering that from listening in and recording of people hearing and friendly how we can Notmanh the Department of Defense.

Nouri said, ” The defense minister acted eavesdropping and recording conversations and friendly atmosphere unofficial people at his home or his office is unethical behavior or professional and contrary to all social norms.”

he added that “CDs provided by the al – Obeidi of the integrity Committee did not include any corruption cases but merely a side narratives talk included insults or peculiarities of other political figures , a far cry from the continued charges launched by the Minister of defense during the interrogation session. ”

he said Nuri out that” there is a conviction among MPs that of betraying the people hearing and friendly Flaimkn trusted to the military, hence the dimensions it is the choice The most appropriate.
