Urgent parliamentary Finance: Abadi reforms will provide about $ 10 billion for the budget
Urgent parliamentary Finance: Abadi reforms will provide about $ 10 billion for the budget
8/11/2015 1:04 p.m.
A member of the parliamentary finance committee Faleh force “Government reforms will contribute to providing the Iraqi budget of approximately 7 to 10 billion dollars a year as it provides the amounts were paid without providing any service to the Iraqi people.”
Said force said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, today, that “most exaggerated budget goes to officials expenses for housing and protections and other things cost the financial budget of the state is very large sums of money.”
He stressed that “the vote on the government reform package will provide approximately 7 to $ 10 billion annually to the state treasury. ”
He said in effect that “these reforms were the result of an invitation supreme religious authority and full support to the government in order to provide better services to the Iraqi people.”
The House of Representatives has unanimously approved in its meeting today on the first reforms made by the pack Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi addition to the initial package of reforms to Berlman.anthy