Urgent .. Mary Rayes: There is no truth to the approval of Talabani to withdraw confidence from the Maliki

Wednesday, May 30 / May 2012 16:41

Baghdad {: News} Euphrates Mary Rayes denied Adviser to the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s approval of President Jalal Talabani on a proposal to withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki.

He said Rais told News} {Euphrates today that “no truth to the one addressed by the media that Talabani had agreed during a meeting today with President of Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani and the leaders of the Iraqi List, and a delegation from the Sadrist movement to withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki.”

She said, “Talabani said during a meeting today on the unity of the political discourse and the emphasis on dialogue in resolving the political crisis,” noting that “Talabani expressed his position during the meeting in an official statement issued by his office, which refutes what Tdolth some of the media on his agreement to withdraw confidence for al-Maliki. “

The media has reported that President Jalal Talabani had agreed during the meeting the President of Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani and the leaders of the Iraqi List, and a delegation from the Sadrist movement to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

And a bilateral meeting between President Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani this afternoon to discuss the current political crisis and joined them do not really delegation of the Sadrists and the Iraqi leader Iyad Klaria, House Speaker Osama Najafi and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq.

He said President Jalal Talabani in a press statement after the meeting his commitment to the obligations incumbent upon the Constitution and reflects the interests of the country’s top, and leads to re-national cohesion and activation of mechanisms that promote the democratic process, and elevate the relations between the forces to the level of the challenges and aspirations of the People, which aspires to accomplish the tasks reform and economic, social, political, and end the suffering.

And goes on in political circles political mobility mounting peppered call to withdraw confidence from the current government, especially Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which saw the province of Najaf on Saturday a meeting of leaders of political blocs in the house of the leader of Sadr Muqtada al-Sadr, after about twenty days of the meeting Erbil Consultative Forum held late last month under the auspices of President Jalal Talabani and the participation of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr and the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi and President of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi and President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, and resulted in two meetings a letter to Aathalv National include demand the replacement of Mach character other than within the coalition to head the national government.

National Alliance did not respond positively to this letter which made the political forces gathered in Erbil and Najaf to hold another meeting yesterday, the first in Arbil, which decided to continue consultations in order to comply with the social Erbil and Najaf. End

Source: alforatnews