Urgent Cameron announced his resignation from the presidency of the British government

Urgent Cameron announced his resignation from the presidency of the British government

06/24/2016 11:27

Urgent Cameron announced his resignation from the presidency of the British government[Oan- up]
British Prime Minister David Cameron announced his resignation from the post, after the announcement of the results of the referendum in favor of Britain out of the European Union.
Cameron told a press conference in front of the headquarters of the prime minister in London , “Britain in need of new leadership, and will not be fit to be captain of the country during the next stage, and we need to head of a new government by October.”
He added , ” The British say their word and we should be proud of our democracy parliamentary, and the will of the British must be respected no doubt in the reported results. ”
He stressed , ” we must be ready to negotiate in Britain out of the European Union , although I still think that Britain will be safer inside the Union, and I’ll do what I can to help make Britain out process service for this great country. ”
He assured Cameron ‘s ” living Europeans in Britain and Britons living in Europe and that we will continue to freedom of movement of persons and goods. ”
voted Britain in favor of exit from the EU by 52% compared to 48% for the camp to stay in a historic referendum held last night it went out Kingdom United union lasted over 43 years.
participated in the referendum , about 30 million people by as much as 71.8%, the highest rate of participation in Britain since 1992.
