Urgent Abadi visit the headquarters of the joint operations after declaring liberation of Fallujah

Urgent Abadi visit the headquarters of the joint operations after declaring liberation of Fallujah

06/26/2016 16:28

Urgent Abadi visit the headquarters of the joint operations after declaring liberation of Fallujah[Wayne-Baghdad]
visited the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider al – Abadi Joint Special Operations Command headquarters.
The visit of the Prime Minister after the liberation of Fallujah announcement completely.
He was commander of the Fallujah operations Lt. Gen. Abdul – Wahab al – Saadi announced by [where] the liberation of the city of Fallujah from the clutches of Daash terrorist gangs completely, and killing large numbers of them, as well as direct the security forces to the device the fight against terrorism to hand over the city to the local police in two days.
he was commander of the Fallujah operations Lt. Gen. Abdul – Wahab al – Saadi, announced on Sunday , ” the end of the battle of Fallujah militarily fully and edited Daash” adding “more 1800 terrorist was killed during military operations.”
he stressed that the “device forces counter – terrorism Fallujah will be handed over to the local police in Anbar province over the next two days. ”
the Minister of defense Khalid al – Obeidi, said that” about 90% of Fallujah safe and habitable because we Bagtina Daash where they could not be destroyed , as happened in Ramadi and Sinjar. ”
it is said that the battle of Fallujah It was launched last may 23 and ended on Sunday , June 26th this month.
