Urgent Abadi do new electricity pricing and threatens to sack ministers objectors

Urgent Abadi do new electricity pricing and threatens to sack ministers objectors

2015/10/28 18:29

Urgent Abadi do new electricity pricing and threatens to sack ministers objectors[Baghdad-where]
revealed in the Commission services and reconstruction parliamentary member for the prime minister Haider al-Abadi activate the new electricity pricing controversial and endorsed by the Cabinet in April and then wait out.
The committee member said Hussein al-Maliki, told all of Iraq [where] on Wednesday that “the cabinet voted in its session yesterday the request of the Abadi on the pricing of the new electricity which was rejected by the Iraqi street, and religious reference and parliament and political blocs.”
He added that “al-Abadi threatened at the meeting to sack any minister or submit his resignation [the minister] if they objected to this pricing.
“The MP pointed Maliki that” the Council of Ministers decided to convert five trillion dinars to the city of Mosul, controlled by Daash gangs terrorist receivables and the salaries of staff who are there “revealing” the Board’s approval and the book officially converted billion dollars to the government of Salah al-Din in the reconstruction of the province and salaries efforts.
“said Commission Parliamentary Services member, said,” This decision was not announced Prime Minister’s Office.
“It is said that Prime Minister’s Office did not say in the decisions of the Council yesterday as announced by the Attorney-Maliki.
The Council of Ministers approved on 7 April, a new pricing wage for electricity
and raised government pricing officially resentment and exit of popular demonstrations in several provinces claim dissuade them while senior religious authority called on the government to reconsider this pricing “being detrimental to employers low-income and middle classes” and calling them “without fair and it’s It is not virility to impose new costs on families fighting sons in fronts against terrorists.
“The Cabinet decided on the track to postpone the decision.
She explained the Ministry of Electricity, on 11 April, the new rates set by the range between 15 thousand dinars for the the consumption of five Amperes for 24 hour down to 750 thousand for those who consumed more than 60 amp.
The decision to pricing – if Masdr by an official statement from al-Abadi office or certainly Alinva- days after the Cabinet decision on the new salary scale, popular and official objections Alih.anthy 2
