URGENT A US company suspends its operations in the region after a warning from the Oil Ministry

URGENT A US company suspends its operations in the region after a warning from the Oil Ministry

Posted, 2017/10/19 20:43

URGENT A US company suspends its operations in the region after a warning from the Oil Ministry[Ayna-Baghdad]
A US oil company suspended its operations in the Kurdistan region after a warning from the Oil Ministry on Thursday.
Chevron said today that it temporarily suspended its oil and gas activities in Kurdistan, in the latest setback to the region in the wake of the recent unrest.
“Chevron has decided to suspend its operations temporarily,” a company spokeswoman said in a statement.
“We remain in regular contact with the Kurdistan Regional Government and look forward to resuming our operations once conditions permit,” she said.
The Ministry of Oil strongly warned today, all countries and international oil companies from contracting or agreement with any party inside Iraq without reference to the federal government or the ministry.
