Urgent .. A security source: Following a nomination Abadi, Maliki’s office of ministries to evacuate all staff immediately!

Urgent .. A security source: Following a nomination Abadi, Maliki’s office of ministries to evacuate all staff immediately!


Urgent-A security source - Following a nomination Abadi - Malikis office of ministries to evacuate all staff immediatelyA security source said a high-level reporter in Baghdad, Iraq law to inform Maliki’s office for all Iraqi ministries need to evacuate all staff immediately!

The orders came after the nomination of the National Alliance, a leader of the Dawa Party, d. Haider al-Abadi.

Baghdad is plagued since yesterday to spread a heavy military forces loyal to the prime minister and the closure of all ports of the capital.

Some analysts believe that the move was to intimidate and threaten opponents of the third term.
