UNAMI: The crisis between the center and the region is on its way to resolve

UNAMI: The crisis between the center and the region is on its way to resolve

4/29/2013 2:00 AM

Maliki, UNAMI: The crisis between the center and the region is on its way to resolveI went back to meet with Maliki and Barzani today, “endpoint” to strained relations
Baghdad morning – Alaa al-Tai
welcomed the UN mission in Iraq, “UNAMI” to meet the planned residence in Baghdad today between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Barzani, expected to result in a “results positive. “comes assurances” UNAMI “at a time when the government is seeking to” reset the crisis, “with the region, and to find radical solutions on the points of difference, which stands in the forefront of oil and gas law, and Article 140. According to the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Martin Kobler, the meeting today represents “a way to find a long-term solution to the Iraqi crisis based on the constitution,” predicted Kubler that contributes to the meeting “to finding long-term solutions based on the Constitution in order to overcome the current crisis, the return Minister Kurds to work in the Federal Cabinet.”
The welcome Kubler meet Baghdad and Erbil in sync with the “optimism” shown by a number of members of the House of Representatives, who predicted “a breakthrough comprehensive crisis between the province and the center,” as MP for the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati said “the meeting, clearing the way of scope for further understandings and dialogues to resolve the problems between the center and the region” . expressed welcome bloc delegation’s visit Kurdistan, which was supposed to have to be in the “earlier times,” said al-Bayati, who however, saying: “The initiative comes meeting late is better than not to come.” and described al-Bayati, the outstanding problems between the two sides as “double” , including that of the parliament and the other belonging to the government and the executive power, arguing that the kind of problems the second can be resolved and settled, however, that the problems that need to enact laws that should be sent to the House of Representatives. “also welcomed the U.S. embassy in Baghdad to visit the Kurdish delegation, likely near resolving the crisis between the center and the region.
