UN Resolution 2470: The United Nations views Iraq as a failed country despite 16 years of change
UN Resolution 2470: The United Nations views Iraq as a failed country despite 16 years of change
2019/05/26 10:08
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Assessments on the UN Security Council resolution on Iraq issued at its May 21 meeting, resolution 2470, have mixed assessments, including a call for amending the constitution, resolving disputed areas, reforming and rebuilding security.
While the parties sought to question the decision as a new legal burden on the country and the movements of the government, where analyzes found that the decision is due to Iraq under Chapter VII, which means the siege and return to the year 2003, law experts, deny that and confirm that it includes the continuation of the work of the mission The United Nations in helping Iraq to advance the country, but considers the administration of the country failed after 16 years of change in 2003.
The resolution emphasized Iraq’s “independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and its support in addressing the challenges it faces in pursuing its post-reconstruction, reconciliation and reconciliation efforts and meeting the needs of all Iraqis and persons belonging to ethnic and religious minorities” .
Raed Jouhi: I am ashamed of the decision that the United Nations views Iraq 16 years later as a country that needs international assistance
“There is nothing new in the resolution adopted by 15 members other than the continued work of the UN mission in helping Iraq to promote the country, eradicate corruption, support human rights, justice, accountability and the role of women,” Judge Raed Jouhi said. Which confirms the weakness of Iraq and the spread of corruption and the lack of capacity to complete the ministry, despite the passage of time in the sense that there is no ability to lead.
“I do not find a danger in the country that will result in the decision, but it will remain the case now, but this decision could be used in the future if some wanted to do so.
“I am ashamed of the decision that the United Nations views Iraq after 16 years as a country that needs the assistance of the UN international mission,” Judge Juhi said.
He adds that the United Nations missions wish that because they have a source of livelihood for a large number of their employees so I find it necessary for the government to put in its future plans nearby how to promote the situation of the country without the use of the International Mission, like all countries of the world stable Because Iraq has the capacity to qualify for this, but the problem in the mechanism of investment. ”
The legal expert Ali Jaber al-Tamimi told the “Masala”: Security Council resolution 2470 until May next year focuses on the amendment of the Constitution, reconciliation and reconstruction, a decision taken by the Security Council each year at the request of Iraq and see that there is no justification for extension, especially after the exit of Iraq from Chapter VII The presence of this mission suggests that Iraq is still a country incomplete sovereignty or on the lips of Chapter VII and this Baath working in Iraq since 2003 resolution 1500 Security Council and so far ..
What did the decision include?
The United Nations Security Council, at its May 21 meeting, passed resolution 2470 on Iraq, which includes many resolutions on Iraq, including amending the constitution, resolving disputed areas and reforming the security sector.
The resolution, adopted by the Al-Ahed News, on Saturday, affirmed “Iraq’s independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and its support for Iraq” in addressing the challenges it faces in pursuing its efforts to stabilize post-conflict and more The need to respond to the needs of all Iraqis, including women, youth, children, displaced persons and persons belonging to ethnic and religious minorities. ”
The resolution welcomed “the efforts of the Government of Iraq through its national government program to address corruption and the strengthening of government institutions that have the elements of building and meet the needs.”
The resolution called for “strengthening accountability, protecting human rights, judicial reform and law, in full respect for Iraq’s sovereignty, in order to consolidate the rule of law in Iraq, as well as supporting the work of the UN investigation team to enhance accountability for compound crimes by a supporter.”
“The Secretary-General has requested a report to the Security Council every three months on the progress made towards the fulfillment of all the responsibilities of the Mission,” he said.
The resolution decided “to extend the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq until 31 May 2020 and, at the request of the Government of Iraq, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and MINURSO in the light of the letter addressed to the Secretary-General by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iraq”.
The resolution “provides further advice, support and assistance to the Government of Iraq and the Independent High Electoral Commission on the development of procedures for elections and referenda, constitutional review and implementation of constitutional provisions, procedures for the settlement of disputed areas, security sector reform and implementation of reintegration programs of former members Armed groups “.
He also stressed “coordination with the Government of Iraq to promote, support and facilitate the coordination and delivery of humanitarian assistance and the return of refugees and displaced persons and the implementation of programs to improve Iraq’s ability to provide effective basic civil and social services, including health care and education.”
It emphasized “the efforts made by Iraq, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and others in the area of economic reform, capacity-building and the creation of favorable conditions for sustainable development, recovery and reconstruction.”