U.S. researcher: Maliki is not less dangerous than the norm for the interests of the United States and Iraq

U.S. researcher: Maliki is not less dangerous than the norm for the interests of the United States and Iraq

01.20.2014 (0:01 pm)

Maliki is not less dangerous than the norm for the interests of the United States and Iraq translation term

Saw a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies that the United States provide some assistance to Iraq in the field of counter-terrorism, but in the same time the pressure on al-Maliki for reforms in favor of the Sunnis and Kurds and ensure a return to the Erbil Convention on the basis of the results of the upcoming elections.
said Anthony Cordesman, in a lengthy analysis of his published by the center, said, “What can one denial that Al Qaeda violent extremist threatens anywhere activates it., which poses a threat in terms of its terrorism transient border of the United States and Europe, and threatened about more directly to the people who live in a region rife with . ”
added Cordesman said, “exercised the base consistently and almost terrifying repression, violence, and often practiced murder in the imposition of political control and claims to impose specific form of social behavior, which reflected its worst forms in the clan, hardly offers a little something to the point of true Islamic values.”
He said “Like if all the movements of the Salafist new extreme, up-Qaeda also deadlocked economically and socially. they do not offer any practical approach to move and compete in a global economy, and they are very imbalance in the field of providing education meaningful and social interaction, as it financed itself by about largely through extortion methods cripple the local economy is located. ”
noted senior researcher that “the rule does not tolerate competition until Islamic militants others. in Syria, that sparked a civil war with Islamist movements other militant, a civil war looks Qaeda now it is losing its inevitably favor factions of Sunni another rebel. ”
and stressed that “this particular kind of behavior, which should lead to U.S. officials, analysts and media to perform work much better in that convey exactly what actually happened in Anbar, and other cities such as Fallujah and Ramadi.”
as he saw Cordesman he ” the level of ill-Qaeda in Iraq, there is plenty of evidence suggest that Prime Minister Maliki is a similar threat on Iraq and U.S. interests. Since the 2010 elections, became more repressive constantly, and manipulate the Iraqi security forces to serve its own interests, and created a rejection Sunni growing for exercising the use of political support Shiite for personal gain. ”
and pointed out that al-Maliki “has refused to fulfill the implementation of the Arbil power-sharing, which was supposed to be no national government can be linked to Sunni Arabs, Arabs, Shiites together, and increased tensions with Iraqi Kurds.”
Attention to “human rights reports issued by the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), “adding that” the pursuit of al-Maliki to power may suppress and beyond about continuous years in Iraq at the national level. ” Cordesman said that “al-Qaida in Iraq, not embodied in the last organized Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant did not go up as a second birth of the opposition faced by the United States in the years 2005-2008., And despite attempts by Maliki’s government to describe virtually any Sunni opposition great It is a terrorist, but to continue those growing opposition arose in class foundation in political protests peaceful and legitimate against the movements of al-Maliki in cleansing leaders Year Iraqis elected, and the exclusion of a regular for the year from the government, including the people of Iraq in areas such as Anbar. ”
and considered that “this was because Maliki used the Iraqi security forces against sections of the people on behalf of the fight against terrorists and extremists. This was due to the failure of Iraq to use its oil wealth by about an actor and just what Born economical classified CIA Iraq Kan ranked 140 among the world in terms of per capita income. resulted opposition Maliki’s government also for corruption very extremism to the point that in December 2013 ranked by Transparency International Iraq’s seventh-worst corrupt countries in the world, with Libya and South Sudan, Sudan, Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia, which promised much worse than Iraq in terms of corruption. ”
believed Cordesman said that ” any analysis or news report focuses only on violations of the real base is a very unsavory about it encourages the trend, which provides terrorism generally demonic without dealing with the fact that terrorism succeeds almost always when they neglect the governments of their people., and just as it can not be any serious measures to combat the insurgency to succeed if limited to the treatment of the military dimension, can not counter-terrorism measures to succeed unless accompanied by an effort to address the quality of the political leadership of the country and its approach to governance, and the concerns of its people legitimacy. ”
concludes Cordesman, to say that “the United States government can not stand idly by and let al-Qaida in Iraq, or the organization of the Islamic state is gaining more strength, and it should provide some help in the fight against terrorism. At the same time, you need the U.S. government to any weight external possible to push the Maliki government towards a reform and the treatment of Sunnis and Kurds about a just, what lays the foundation for the claim results of Amina of the upcoming elections and the receipt to the result of moving to the level of national unity called for by the agreement of Arbil. ”
