U.S. officials are demanding Obama to “rein in” Daash and help to form a new government in Iraq

U.S. officials are demanding Obama to “rein in” Daash and help to form a new government in Iraq

07/07/2014 (00:01 pm)

US officials are demanding Obama to rein in Daash and help to form a new government in IraqBAGHDAD / long-Presse

Student researchers and U.S. officials, the administration of President Barack Obama to intervene to rein in (Daash) in the Middle East through a clear strategy of being a “threat beyond the region,” and an invitation to provide assistance for the formation of a new government in Iraq.

The Web site reported, Defense and Defense One news, according to what I have read it (the long-Presse), that “the organization Daash still poses a threat beyond the Middle East, after many months of warnings that warned an escalation of the threat posed by Iraq from Syrian territory.”
the website quoted Member Council on Foreign Relations, a researcher of American, Jelly Lemon, Tsaalha “where he wants to end the ambition militants organize Daash? Could the U.S. intervening to succeed by mobilizing the resources needed to counter it?.”
said the researcher, in an article published on the site, “The existence of the organization Daash in Iraq is a source of concern danger. ”
quoted researcher adviser to former U.S., Dennis Rose, saying that “the threat Daash is a sophisticated strategically because I have organized a lot of money and arms, and it is a picture of the success achieved so far,” and demanding the United States need to “intervene to block Plans that organization and restrain him which could pose a threat to America. ”
added Lemon, that “voices within the U.S. administration has been calling for almost a year to urge the White House to provide greater assistance to the rebels in Syria, relying Bhjajhm that the extremists may have achieved success on the moderates who lack resources . ”
and showed the researcher, that “the answer to that represents that the United States can not guarantee the fate of the weapons offered by the rebels and the party that Ststole it,” usually that “The only thing is certain today is the proliferation threat militants Daash admitted for Iraq, which stunned the Obama administration and many others in Washington. ”
explained Lemon, “The Rose and others many believe that the time has come for Obama and his administration for the leadership of its allies and to formulate a plan with a clear strategy and the goal of processing what is happening on the ground in the Middle East.”
also quoted a researcher from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, said during a press conference at the Pentagon, Thursday, (third from July 2014 present), said that “Washington is now considering what can be taken from the Options”, noting that “the U.S. role is set, it may expand to up to stage direct action in Iraq to counter the deterioration of security, because the Iraqis can not be the only ones to take back what he took Daash them. ”
She Member Council on Foreign Relations, that “the former U.S. ambassador, James Jeffrey, who served in Iraq, and get closely acquainted with the events taking place in it, bemoans the opportunity which was hand to prevent without the growing threat of the militants. ”
quoted lemon, for Jeffrey, he said, was: “We have a real opportunity when we controlled on Fallujah, we did not know the extent of the weakness of the Iraqi army, which was not a good standard,” noting that “the U.S. administration had received This warning but did not do anything and did not take any action here is today facing a real tragedy. ”
and saw former ambassador to Iraq, that “the United States must act now to confront Daash on the one hand and to provide support for the formation of a new government in Iraq, on the other hand.”
supported Jeffrey, “a move President Obama to confront the threat Daash in Iraq,” returned it “will not be more severe in the use of force against the positions of the militants organize Daash to limit their progress, they threaten us and threaten Shiites and possibly threaten the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad,” returned as “a humanitarian issue because There is no limit to the ambitions of Daash. ”
promised veteran diplomat, it is necessary to “kill elements Daash, because they will not stop their threats to Iraq even when I was there between 2010 and 2011, and was defeated completely lost their elements, but they did not give up their aspirations,” stressing that “there is nothing to stop them and Ihtoém only have to kill them.”
The organization (Daash) may impose its control over the northern city of Mosul, the center of the province of Nineveh, (405 km north of Baghdad), in (the tenth of June 2014), and seized the security headquarters where the airport , and released hundreds of detainees, which led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of families to the city and neighboring areas of the Kurdistan region, also extended Activity Daash, to the provinces of Salahuddin, Kirkuk and Diyala.
