U.S. newspaper: “Daash” aims to seize Baghdad airport
U.S. newspaper: “Daash” aims to seize Baghdad airport
02:26:10 / 07/2014
Khandan – said U.S. analysts that the organization “Daash” wants to seize Baghdad International Airport and start a campaign to destabilize the country of Jordan Iraq’s neighbors and a key allies of the United States. newspaper “The Washington Times” America, in the context of a report published Thursday on its website , that the organization is trying to move to be an appropriate distance for the attack. newspaper quoted Larry Johnson, an official of the fight against terrorism, a former U.S. State Department official, as saying: “This will organize eventually attacking Baghdad and possibly closing the international airport there during the next two weeks. they are moving regularly and increase their earnings and reinforce their positions. ” noted Johnson that the Iraqi security forces are not efficient enough to be able to defend the airport itself. newspaper said, according to a former official in the U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) visited Iraq, the organization “Daash” may decide to close the airport by bombing artillery and mortars. According to the source, the security of the airport is part of the forces and the Iraqi Interior Ministry, which will address the most likely and fighting, but you’ll need to reinforcements. newspaper quoted a retired Gen. John Keane, who plans to increase U.S. troops in Iraq in 2007, saying that “Jordan is the goal Next. Jordanians have a common border length of 350 km with Syria and a length of 175 kilometers with Iraq, and those areas controlled by the “Islamic state”, so Jordan is facing a very real threat. ”