U.S. expert: Obama administration facing three barbed Iraqi files

U.S. expert: Obama administration facing three barbed Iraqi files

Published 06/01/2013 07:52 AM

Babinaoz – agencies: the most beautiful expert strategic U.S. problems facing Washington and Baghdad, three major issues are: the increasing tyranny of the Maliki government, and the growing tension between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region, and the Iraqi position on Iran and Syria, without neglecting files subsidiary stemming from those problems.

He sees strategic Ted Gillin Carpenter, a colleague of Defence Studies and Foreign Policy at the Cato Institute, said Iraq remains yard mission in Washington’s foreign policy, appear to be prohibiting the United States reserves the Embassy huge – and equipment capacity as large as Vatican City and device larger even than that of American embassies in major countries such as Japan, Germany and India, and there are also about 17,000 private contractors, who operate mostly the degree of protection of private security to protect diplomats and U.S. government officials. And the Iraqis may have regretted to see their country as if it were still under American hegemony.

And confirms Carpenter said that “Iraq’s democratic form, but for Aimarss specific patterns democratic practices offer political owners even get worse, not corruption that mounts only, but there is erosion constant in political freedoms., Journalists who dare to criticize the Prime Minister and his allies, complain increasingly of harassment and even control at times. The equipment security bureaucracy of the owners had been detained hundreds of former officials, accusing them of supporting the return of the Baath regime’s dictatorial past, and despite the fact that some of these allegations may be true, the government has exercised this trend without discrimination. ”

Carpenter believes that Maliki’s government is accusing Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi treason – especially running death squads, anti-government, constitutes a milestone in what he calls the American expert tyranny of al-Maliki.

To demonstrate the validity of his hypothesis cites Carpenter report of the Institute of American specialist studying war, that al-Maliki seems to exercise a strong campaign to quell dissidents and political opponents, the report says: “At a time synchronous, which holds opponents of the year in places dedicated to the practice of coercion and exploitation of divisions within Atarham.” And such a strategy, from the point of view of Carpenter, to Atstakim with a true democracy. Rather, it is “similar to the models practiced by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to undermine the essence of democracy in his country while keeping hold elections and the rest of the manifestations of democracy. Such” Democracy: A cynical and intolerant were not what promoted by U.S. officials as targets of the mission Iraqi but it looks like it was collected .

In the center of the growing tension between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region, see Carpenter said although sharp divisions between Shia and Sunni and Kurdish community, has always insisted Washington that Iraq remains intact, but that goal has become Mtmalsa him.

He says that “many conflicts have been going for years. Disputes over oil revenues and the validity of powers provincial government in agreement with the foreign companies, have led to repeated clashes political relations between the regional authorities and the Maliki government. Similarly, the land disputes, particularly those relating to the Status oil-rich city Kirkuk and its environs has evolved in angry recriminations. Kurdish leaders and angry, in particular, of the continuation of Baghdad blocking the establishment of a referendum to resolve the problem of Kirkuk. ”

With the escalation of tension to the point of explosion during autumn 2012, after the formation of the leadership of the Tigris last September, sees Carpenter said the move infuriated Kurdish officials and I wont distinctive of power, especially as the Kurdish leaders are preparing military command new direct threat to the autonomy difficult for the region, and to look at the justification The official government, that security in the disputed territories has deteriorated and that those areas may become a safe haven for terrorists, with open suspicion.

Although the sudden crisis seemed it might put down, according to Carpenter, did not resolve any of the conflicts, and the possibility of Saddam predicted a new and perhaps separation remains.

The Iraqi stance on Iran and Syria, it is from the point of view of expert strategic Carpenter, is frustrating for Washington because of the Maliki government policies towards the Iranian and Syrian crises. In both cases, the Baghdad openly opposes U.S. policy, as Carpenter says, pointing out that the writers academics realists and years ago, assert that Iran would impose increasingly the biggest influence in Iraq and across the bay due to the feet of the United States to topple Saddam Hussein. And should not be surprising that Maliki’s government was reluctant to support strong sanctions – without talking so much less about military action – against Iran. But U.S. commanders seem unhappy, warning that the Iraqi government did not volunteer in the campaign against religious counterparts in Tehran. The other disappointment for decision-makers Americans resulting from hostile Baghdad against coercive measures against the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. But that position should make it clear that surprising, too, not because of the Syrian conflict causes the problem of refugees for Iraq, but the fall of Assad would lead probably to control system is dominated by Sunnis in Damascus, the leaders in Baghdad have neither reason to welcome with such an outcome.

Carpenter concludes by saying that each of these three problems for U.S. foreign policy will inevitably become worse in 2013, and Washington hopes for a unified and democratic Iraq will be supportive to support U.S. goals seem naive emotionally when recalling past events. Instead.

He continues saying: that the Obama administration is going to deal with the Iraqi regime increased authoritarian and corrupt, Iraqi government hinder support U.S. goals in the region, and the specter that Iraq may يتشظى along ethnic lines, and that’s not an encouraging start to the mandate second to President Obama.
