U.S. data reveal the name of the mysterious buyer of U.S. shipments of crude oil from Kurdistan

U.S. data reveal the name of the mysterious buyer of U.S. shipments of crude oil from Kurdistan

07/31/2014 11:23

US data reveal the name of the mysterious buyer of US shipments of crude oil from KurdistanFollow-up – and babysit – data showed the U.S. government and industry sources, said Thursday that chemicals company “to Iondbazl”, owned by billionaire Ukrainian-born “Leonard Blavatnik” are the buyer American mysterious shipments of crude oil, Kurdish, which were handed over in May, according to Reuters.
Reuters had reported in the news of her that about two months ago from the confrontation that took place this week between the central government of Iraq and the Kurdistan region on a tanker near the Texas carrying $ 100 million worth of crude Kurdish emptied a smaller vessel loaded with crude Kurdish cargo of crude Haakan heavy Murr in Houston did not find any legal complications, the data show that the second ship arrived later in May, and is still the ultimate buyer of these shipments mystery until now.

The Foreign Ministry said the U.S. had no information on who bought my shipment May.

According to U.S. Energy Information Administration in a report published, the Houston Refining owned Iondbazl imported two shipments, which was described as an Iraqi crude Tmathlan size of my shipment of May and they have the characteristics of ore Haakan Kurdish in terms of quality excellence.

According to market sources who are familiar with the characteristics of the oil that the data show two shipments current size 266 thousand barrels and 267 thousand barrels of crude oil and the percentage of sulfur content in each of the two charges 4.6 per cent which is much higher than the oil imports of Iraqi usual but similar ore Haakan Kurdish.

The data show that imports of Houston Refining Company was also much higher in terms of the density of Iraqi crude as usual density scale of the American Petroleum Institute 16.7 degrees and 21.4 degrees, or the equivalent of crude Haakan Kurdish. It was almost all Iraqi crude that has been imported since 2012 with a density of 28 degrees or so lighter than the scale of the American Petroleum Institute.

Did not respond to Iondbazl e-mails or phone messages from Reuters that ask you contracted for the purchase of raw Kurdish. A spokesman did not comment group Access Industries, owned by the global Blavatnik. Blavatnik and a U.S. citizen born in Odessa in Russian-speaking parents and now ranked thirty-third among the richest men in the world after the sale of its stake in T. Said. K – me. Me for Russian oil giant Rosneft, according to Forbes information.

The data show the difficulty that I received in Baghdad obstruct the ability of the Kurdistan region to sell its crude oil with its leaders sought to gain more political autonomy and economic development.

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