U.S. Commerce seeks to bring private investors to Iraq

BAGHDAD / JD / .. confirmed U.S. Department of Commerce Government’s desire to bring in private investors of both countries to reach a positive outcome of the dialogue ..

The advisor to the U.S. Department of Commerce Chairman of the U.S. side at the conclusion of the Committee on Business Dialogue Iraqi American Cameron Kerry said in a statement received / JD / copy of it: “his government’s desire to start a new page of economic relations through increased trade to the level required and seek to attract investors to Iraq, the cooperation of the private sector for both the two countries to reach a positive outcome of the dialogue “..

He noted some of Kerry’s proposals and solutions that contribute to promoting relations, including the registration of companies and commercial laws and regulations and to assist in taking serious steps to bring Iraq to the World Trade Organization. For his part, noted the Minister of Commerce Khairallah Hassan Babiker to the steps reached by Iraq’s joining the World Trade Organization requesting support from the U.S. side to help the entry of the organization because of its returns on the Iraqi economy as well as his call for the participation of U.S. companies active in the sessions of the Baghdad International Fair ..

Said Babiker through the conclusion of the Committee on Business Dialogue Iraqi American: that Iraq has a lot of opportunities can be exploited by U.S. companies to support the Iraq reconstruction effort and to encourage the private sector to contribute to the development of trade and economic cooperation to be considered the main player and the main engine for the development of trade between the two countries “..

to that, the head of the Iraqi side advisor to the overalls trade Kazem Al-Hasani on the topics that were raised for the registration of foreign companies and the complaint of the register and login to Iraq: The Ministry is going ahead in the development of the registrar of companies and increase Quardha and the development of mechanization and transactions via the electronic service and the opening of new branches in the provinces and other procedures as well to the subject of Iraqi banks and the problems being experienced in the opening credits ..

is noteworthy that the Ministry of Commerce signed a document the general framework for dialogue Iraqi Commercial U.S. on 25/09/2006 in Washington and held the first round in Erbil in 2007 and the second round in Baghdad 2008.
