Trump: Clinton’s claim that his anti-Muslim comments have been used for ISIS recruitment is ‘nonsense,’ ‘lies’
Donald Trump: Clinton’s claim that his anti-Muslim comments have been used for ISIS recruitment is ‘nonsense,’ ‘lies’
BY ADAM EDELMAN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Sunday, December 20, 2015, 11:27 AM
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday fiercely rejected claims by Hillary Clinton that footage of his anti-Muslim comments was being used for ISIS recruitment videos.
“Nobody has been able to back that up. It’s nonsense. It’s just another Hillary lie. She lies like crazy about everything, whether it’s trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she’s a liar and everybody knows that,” the bombastic billionaire said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” just one stop on a marathon Sunday morning television media blitz. “But she just made this up in thin air.”
“No fact-checker has been able to back up her claim on that,” he said.
The strong words came in response to Clinton’s assertion the night before, during the Democratic 2016 debate, that Trump was unwittingly starring in ISIS recruitment videos for potential terrorists.
“He is becoming ISIS’ best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists,” Clinton said at the third Democratic debate aired on ABC Saturday night.
Clinton claimed that the mogul candidate’s hateful rhetoric about banning Muslims from entering the U.S., had been playing into the terrorist group’s vile plans.
“We need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears,” Clinton said.
There has been no evidence thus far that any footage of Trump’s comments has been used in ISIS recruiting videos.
But Trump, on Sunday, appeared to suggest that he wouldn’t tone down his comments even if he found out at some point that they were actually being used in recruitment efforts.
“No, because I think that my words represent toughness and strength,” he said before doubling back down on his insults of Clinton. “Hillary’s not strong, Hillary’s weak, frankly. She’s got no stamina, she’s not nothing.”