Trade: The government considers the cancellation of ‘ration’ by 2015

Trade: The government considers the cancellation of ‘ration’ by 2015

10/16/2012 12:00 am

Stop 494 agency and withhold card for 430 thousand employees
Baghdad Isra Samarrai
revealed the Ministry of Commerce for that of the Commission reform ration card is considering canceling the card by the year 2015, as announced cancellation of 494 agency food violation since the beginning of this year, and the withholding of supplies to more than 400 thousand employees increase their monthly salaries on 1.5 million dinars. said assistant general manager of the Department of Planning and Follow-up in the ministry Haidar Nouri Jaber’s (Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network): The latest statistics indicate that the number of registered within the ration card system exceeded the 34 million people, noting that the ministry has taken crack down through field follow-up of the work of agents who are responsible for distribution of the ration ration per month between citizens, as has this year canceled 494 Agency after testing involved owners of corruption is to sell the ration card items on the black market and satisfy amounts more than planned families, while the total number agencies that have been canceled over the past year because of irregularities 1511 agency. added that the total number of agencies included in the data circuit now stands at 57 thousand agency in Baghdad and the provinces, adding that there was no intention by the Department of Planning and Follow-up to give more new agencies there a general trend to reduce dependence on the ration card items in the future, revealing that there is the idea may be adopted in the year 2015 by the Reform Commission ration card in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers include canceling the ration card after gaining control of the circulation of goods and the supply and demand in the market and reduce the prices of basic foodstuffs such as rice and flour and sugar and cooking oil and baby milk being distributed now within the ration card items, denying the existence of the idea to cancel the card during the next two years or compensation vocabulary in cash delivered to the citizen. between the Ministry of Commerce continue to apply and implement the decision of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers judge blocked Vocabulary ration for employees in the private public and private, who more than their monthly income on one million and 500 thousand dinars, as decision includes 430 thousand employees so far dispersed by 300 thousand in the government sector and 130 thousand in the private sector. pointed out that blocking cards for wealthy in the private sector have been in coordination with taxation departments in the Ministry of financial and business registration in the Ministry of Commerce, adding that the number is increasing, as is the Department of Planning and Follow-up of about 50 books a day from the GCT the subject of withholding ration for covered from the private sector. He said the ministry obliged constantly issuing model ration card for employees covered by shadowing it within the routine procedures for the conduct of transactions in most government institutions and non-governmental organizations. He Jabr discover many ration cards fictitious and fraudulent in some citizens since 1998 until now, in collaboration with the Directorate of Nationality and Civil Status and imposed on counterfeiters sanctions was to pay Okiem what Tzlmoh of ration card retroactively and cut the share of food supplies for the individual and his family, as well as referral to eliminate fraud issues. He pointed out that there is coordination with the institutions of the state to regulate the ration card, especially the Ministry of Health, which has a great role in the media circle numbers of citizens of the deceased in order to write off their names from the card system, revealing that the next year will see the application of a new mechanism for registered new card system especially newborns where canceled the adoption of the previous mechanism in the registry, and there are correspondences official with the Ministry of Health to provide the Department with the names of newborns during the year of their birth to be bringing them their share of ration to ease the burden on their families in routine procedures.
