Tomorrow … Resumption of consultations to complete the government and proposals to pass 3 ministries

Tomorrow … Resumption of consultations to complete the government and proposals to pass 3 ministries

5/27/2020 13:23

Tomorrow ... Resumption of consultations to complete the government and proposals to pass 3 ministries[Baghdad-Ain]

It is expected that political forces will resume tomorrow, Thursday, their consultations with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi regarding the completion of the government.
Al-Kazemi and 6 of his ministers run seven ministries that are still vacant in his 22-member cabinet.
Al-Kazemi took over the management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to his position as Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, while ministers shared the other six portfolios.
According to political and government sources, she said, “In his consultations with the political blocs, Al-Kazemi will abandon the government completion in one voting session of Parliament,” noting that the names of two or three ministries out of the disputed ministries may be passed if the Iraqi forces reach an agreement on them.
Parliament, on May 7, voted the government of Mustafa Al-Kazemi with its government program that stipulated holding early elections in all cities of the country, and work to restore the prestige of the state and to stress that Iraq should spare the fragments of any American-Iranian escalation inside Iraq, in addition to alleviating the financial crisis. That ravaged the country after the collapse of oil prices.
The victory coalition led by former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that “Al-Kazemi may send the names of the candidates of three or four vacant ministries to be agreed upon soon,” noting that “there are sharp differences that still persist on the foreign and oil ministries, as well as justice, between the various political forces.”
He drew a parliamentary in victory , who preferred anonymity, that it is hoped to resume consultations, on Thursday evening, with the expiration of the holiday. ”
There was no agreement on the ministries of trade, agriculture, justice, culture, immigration, oil, and foreign because of the sharp political differences over the candidates of those names ministries and blocs nominated for the post.
According to the information are identical, there is progress on the three ministries may be resolved soon, the trade, agriculture and culture, while differences on the ministries of oil, foreign and justice continues between the alliance blocks or one political component, as well as with other blocs , which has custody, for example , On names submitted by the Kurdish forces to occupy the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or names submitted to the Ministry of Justice and Oil.
The parliamentarian explained that the government formation agreements granted the Ministry of Trade to the Sunni forces, justice and foreign affairs for the Kurds, and the ministries of agriculture, culture, and oil to the Shiites, provided that the Ministry of Immigration was granted to a Christian figure, noting there are differences on how to take a personal Christian to the Ministry of immigration, as the team sees it from the parties represented entitlement component, while others are calling for granting an independent Christian figure.
and that “appetizers D is complicated and needs consensus, which would pass the new names, in light of some parties’ adherence to specific candidates, “warning of pressure exerted by political blocs to impose names for vacant ministries according to the principle of quotas.
On the other hand, the representative of the Christian component, Joseph Saliwa, said that successive Iraqi governments, up to the present time, are using minorities as a card to gain the support of the international community when they bring people who do not represent their components in real terms, but they are just names belonging to these components.
And he, in a press statement, stressed the necessity of granting positions to independent Christian figures, not to people working within the large parties that control the reins of government in Iraq.
Last week, Chaldean Patriarch Louis Saco said that the Christian component in Iraq lacks real representation in political forums, adding that their share in previous years was poor because of the crises that followed them, as well as the absence of constitutional articles that guarantee their rights.
Although Al-Kazemi had promised to complete the vacant bags before the holiday, his promise collided with the persistence of differences between the blocs over the remaining ministries.
The Ministry of Oil, which has become a share of Basra Governorate, because this province exports more than 80 per cent of Iraqi oil, and the political authorities in it have not agreed on a specific name to take over this bag, which has increased the number of candidates from among the personalities of the province to 50 candidates, so that the number will eventually be reduced to 10 names.
While a number of Basra representatives in Parliament were supposed to meet the Prime Minister one day before the holiday to choose 5 personalities from these names and leave freedom of choice to him, the results of the meeting have not yet emerged; Which means the differences persist.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has become a share of the Kurds, and in particular the KDP, there is still disagreement over who handles it. The Kurds, and in particular the leader of the KDP, Massoud Barzani, are adhering to the former Finance Minister Fouad Hussein to take over amid Shiite protests; Indeed, even the other potential candidate, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari, was dismissed from his last position, which is finance in 2016, amid deep differences with many Shiite blocs, and therefore it is difficult to accept him to take over the foreign ministry again, which means difficulty in resolving immediately after the Eid, according to what he started declaring There are some deputies whose statements do not express what is happening behind closed doors