Today.. the framework holds a meeting to agree on the candidate for the Speaker of Parliament
Today.. the framework holds a meeting to agree on the candidate for the Speaker of Parliament
Representative, Muhammad Al-Zayadi, confirmed on Sunday the intention of the coordination framework to hold a meeting this evening to reach a final agreement on the candidate for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Al-Ziyadi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The meeting of the leaders of the coordination framework forces that is scheduled to be held will discuss one paragraph related to unifying the position of the political forces within the coordination framework regarding the selection of the new speaker of the House of Representatives,” pointing out that “discussion of the agreement on choosing governors and excluding some governors will take place after The judiciary approves the winners of the elections.
He added, “The meeting scheduled to be held for the leaders of the Coordination Framework Forces today, Sunday, will discuss one paragraph related to unifying the position of the Coordination Framework Forces on choosing a specific person and voting for her to occupy the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.”
He pointed out that “the issue of discussing the Coordination Framework Forces agreement regarding the governors for the next stage has been postponed until the judicial body decides on the results of the final provincial council elections.”
He continued, “The Coordination Framework Forces are serious about accelerating the formation of local governments in light of the results of the governorate council elections, as the understandings will be based on basic principles, but the issue of excluding some governors has not yet been decided.”
The House of Representatives adjourned its session on Saturday of last week after disagreements over deciding the nomination of candidates for the Presidency of the House of Representatives in its second round.