Today .. Security Council votes to remove Iraq from Chapter VII

Today .. Security Council votes to remove Iraq from Chapter VII

27/06/2013 12:00 AM

Optimism master of the situation .. And invitations to invest post-liberation of international provisions
BAGHDAD – Shaima Rashid – Ann Salah
few hours separating Iraq of the Lead World Event Iraqi historical most important and most prominent in the twenty-first century, the recognition by the state that does not threaten international peace and security, and re-integrated into the international community globally through take it out of Chapter VII.
hopes Iraq to declare the UN Security Council on Thursday at seven in the evening to remove Iraq from the provisions of this chapter after the recommendation of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a report submitted to the Security Council in which he said: “Iraq has fulfilled all its obligations” .
deputies spoke for “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network,” about the importance of this step because of been dealing with Iraq as a lawless and deprived Iraqis to enjoy the wealth of their country, stressing the need to develop a plan and curriculum for the post out of Chapter VII in order to improve Iraq to the ranks of developed countries.
MP from the bloc citizen Furat al-Shara described rid the country of the penalty provisions of Chapter VII, the “important achievement”, which is calculated for the Iraqi government.
Shara said the “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network”: that “exceeded Chapter VII, is an important achievement the Iraqi government, “adding that” a victory for Iraq and the Iraqis through the parliament and the executive government and effective institutions. ”
He continued: “The Iraqi negotiator managed to convince the community internationalist that Iraq regained normal in the region,” explaining that “out of the provisions of Chapter VII aims to complete sovereignty and maintain its economy to take his global. ”
and Chapter VII is one of seventeen chapters constitute the UN Charter, and consists of (13) material is material from 39-51, and consists of the Charter as a whole of the
(111) material, and authorizes this chapter UN Security Council the use of force against the state or states that threaten international peace and security, and enjoy the decisions that are issued on the basis of this chapter Balsafh mandatory.
his part, said the National Alliance MP Habib Terminal to the injustice done to Iraq due to delay his release from Chapter VII, which should have been eliminated demise the cause of the threat of international peace and security.
added Terminal told the “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network”: that “the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII is a step in the right direction for sovereignty, especially since the Chapter VII authorizes international organizations disciplining countries that are harmful to international peace” , noting that Iraq was put under this item as a result the actions of the former regime’s reckless.
increased: “The delay in Iraq would emerge from this chapter in which a great injustice on Iraq, because the Iraqi people have no guilt in the case, and that what happened was the result of a reckless and careless,” noting that He was supposed to come out of Iraq directly as soon as the fall of the regime.
said Deputy to the positive in Iraq would emerge from this chapter, saying: that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII will open his door direct control over his own money, noting that there are approximately $ 80 billion will be at the disposal of the Iraqi Central Bank, but he also said: “But at the same time open the door of individual claims and this is a problem list.”
He Terminal that the U.S. government is directly responsible to protect Iraqi funds because there are a lot of actors hungry Iraqi funds both at the international level, or the level of individuals and this issue will enter Iraq in a new crisis with the other parties, so we need to protect Iraqi funds by the American side for the coming years because Iraq is unable according to existing policies at the present time dimension of the damage from Iraqi funds.
, and pointed out that the improvement of relations with the rest of States will reflect positively on all areas of the country.
was the United States have pledged during the reign of former U.S. President George W. Bush to protect Iraq’s assets abroad, estimated at $ 50 billion, which prevent Iraq’s creditors demand them over the past years due to the situation in Iraq under the tutelage Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
was the Legal Committee of the Iraqi Council of Representatives confirmed that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII will bring his legal status in the international community, to what it was before the Security Council resolution which was issued by the invasion of the dictatorial regime of the State of Kuwait, which means lifting the trusteeship for Iraqi funds frozen abroad, to come back will the Iraqi money and the right to absolute disposition.
, in turn, stressed member list Rafidain MP Kanna that Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII has its pros big on Iraq including the failure to be considered a threat to international and regional security, as well as strengthening the country’s sovereignty and a good reputation and this in turn will be reflected on the reality of Iraq’s political and international relations.
said we were told the “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network”: that “this chapter considered Iraq a threat to world peace and therefore get rid of the charge that he inherited from previous policies is crucial to To start a new phase more positive to get rid of all the chapters in the future after the finish debts and loans owed ​​by Iraq. ”
He continued: “the exit of Iraq from Chapter VII will recover and improve his reputation and this will positively on the Iraqi citizen, because a lot of international companies refuse to invest in Iraq as a result international sanctions, but after leaving this chapter will begin phase seriousness of cooperation and will be reflected on the citizen by providing good jobs through investment.
Regarding Iraqi funds and protection after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII, MP The protection of Iraqi funds is the duty of the international community, and is supposed to be in Chapter VI safeguards to protect the money from lawsuits it has to be to keep the international immunity to Iraqi funds.
This is also what he talked about the National Alliance MP Abdul Salam al-Maliki, who called for the United States to abide by its pledge to protect Iraqi funds until asked to Iraq, raising her hand about.
According to a statement issued by the Attorney-Maliki received “morning,” a copy of it, that the United States commitment to its pledge to protect Iraqi funds frozen even after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII until finding the coordination between Iraq and the creditors in order to resolve the matter, lest exposed Iraqi funds to looting and seizure.
He said al-Maliki: “The United States and the treaty that has been in the era of President George Bush II took it upon themselves to protect Iraqi funds abroad,” he said, adding that the importance of the continuation of this protection until rid of the problem of trade creditors is known.
, adding that he must to Iraq some point after his release from Chapter VII that works to coordinate with the creditor countries or with the United States in order to solve the debt problem for the protection of Iraqi funds, noting that the right of Iraq to get his money and utilize internally in order to support the Central Bank and the Iraqi economy and to support investment projects in the country .
also hinted deputy to the possibility of benefiting from these funds in the law passed infrastructure without the need to borrow from international banks where that Iraq could this money to work on establishment of new infrastructure without the need for external funds.
, and pointed out that the continued protection of the U.S. on Iraqi funds depends desire Iraqi therefore has to be for Iraq to be replaced initially all the problems of its creditors before being asked to lift the immunity of its assets in order to ensure their safety and lack of exposure to loot or to establish claims of international them, believing that the moment is appropriate to lift the immunity of the U.S. it because things have not been clarified yet this regard.
in the meantime, according to the Economic Commission representative to remove Iraq from Chapter VII and entry in Chapter VI would create greater freedom for the banking sector of Iraq to deal with companies and international banks.
said committee member Abdul-Abbas Xiaa for “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network”: “The output Iraq from Chapter VII, will allow greater freedom for the Iraqi banks to open accounts global transactions banking more broadly. ”
He Xiaa that “global banks will have to attend a wide inside the Iraqi banking sector through a partnership with Iraqi banks,” explaining that “the banking dealings will be much easier after Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII. ”
The Chapter VII of the most important and most dangerous chapters contained in the Charter, as it enjoys the Security Council under this chapter wide discretion as to whether there was a threat to the peace, breach of, or the occurrence of an act of aggression, and has said the procedures and measures that do not require the use of the armed forces at the beginning, endowment economic and diplomatic relations and communications marine, land and air and other on the basis of (41) of the Charter.
When the Board believes that these actions and measures have failed or are not enough to stop the threat or aggression, he may resort to the use of military force to maintain international peace and security or returned to redress, and it is known that the United Nations does not have the military forces of its own, but it has the right using military forces or armed member states at the United Nations.
This is a measure of the most dangerous actions carried out by the United Nations under Chapter VII of the Charter, and because this measure directly affects and state sovereignty intervener in its affairs, and the United Nations to resort to take this action, but in serious cases, which threatens directly and effectively to international peace and security.