To achieve national sovereignty.. Al-Amiri calls for the removal of foreign forces from Iraq

To achieve national sovereignty.. Al-Amiri calls for the removal of foreign forces from Iraq


To achieve national sovereignty.. Al-Amiri calls for the removal of foreign forces from IraqInformation / Baghdad..
Today, Friday, the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi al-Amiri, demanded the immediate exit of all foreign combat forces and the achievement of full national sovereignty.

Al-Amiri said in a statement received by Al-Sumaria News, “On the 102nd anniversary of its founding, we extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to our valiant Iraqi army ((leaders, princes and ranks)), wishing it continuous progress, elevation and glory, as it performs the most honorable and sacred tasks in order to protect Iraq and defending its security, sovereignty, and the safety of its land and sky.”

Al-Amiri added, “On this dear occasion, we cannot help but remember those bright pages of joint work and fraternal solidarity shown by all our security forces and their various types and formations in their sacred battle against terrorism, which was crowned with a resounding victory, thanks to the pure blood and the exceptional efforts made by all the security services.” And reflecting its full eligibility and readiness to carry out its duties to maintain security and stability without the need for the presence of foreign combat forces on the land of Iraq, reality has proven that there is no need for them, so we demand the immediate exit of all foreign combat forces and the achievement of full national sovereignty.

And he continued, “Glory and eternity to the righteous martyrs, glory, prestige and progress to our dear army, and security, stability and prosperity to our beloved Iraq.”