Thus opened Abadi fire on his opponents six months before the end of his mandate .. Most prominent Maliki!

Thus opened Abadi fire on his opponents six months before the end of his mandate .. Most prominent Maliki!

2017/10/25 18:22

Thus opened Abadi fire on his opponents six months before the end of his mandate - Most prominent MalikiBaghdad today – follow-up

The new Arab newspaper published a report in which it spoke about the inflammatory statements made by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi against his political opponents, six months before the end of his mandate, noting that the most prominent of these figures is the leader of the coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki and “implicated” Fall of Mosul.

“Almost six months before the end of the life of his government, and as Iraqi forces almost control the entire territory of Iraq, including the disputed areas, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi opens fire against political figures that caused the fall of Mosul, The terrorist in mid-2014, which opened the door to the fall of the cities of northern and western Iraq in full by the organization and the entry of Iraq into a cycle of violence left tens of thousands of dead and wounded in the past three years.

Observers attributed to the “new Arab”, the timing of the confirmation of the Iraqi Prime Minister on the need to re-investigate the events of Mosul to start preparing for the upcoming elections, pointing out that the next stage will be the most difficult to the “coalition of state law,” which includes the former president and rival Abadi, Maliki.

A source familiar with the Supreme Judicial Council of the “New Arab”, “The file of the fall of Mosul, however, did not close until now, but is frozen due to political pressure,” explaining that the first accused of the fall of Mosul is the former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, The senior officers associated with him.

The source pointed to the receipt of a number of judges direct threats to liquidate in case anyone tried to raise the file or al-Maliki leaked any evidence contained therein, indicating that “the current government must resolve this file whatever the outcome, whether to condemn Maliki or acquitted.”

He pointed out that the members of the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi parliament have other evidence did not reach the judiciary, and refuse to inform the judiciary on the “result of compromises within the Committee,” and expected to raise new judicial files against Iraqi officials during the next phase.

The political pressures exerted on the judiciary raised the concern of the Security and Defense Committee in the parliament, which demanded on the tongue of its president, governor of Zamili, the judiciary not to submit to the pressures of political blocs that try to delay this file.

The source pointed out that “influential political blocs are trying to put the file Mosul in the corridors of the Supreme Judicial Council in preparation for closure of the final, and restrict the case against unknown, because the file condemns some of the leaders of these blocks,” in reference to the head of “coalition of state law,” the first accused of the case.

And talk about raising old judicial files against officials in the Iraqi state, most notably Maliki, may carry more than a possibility, as it may fall within the direction of the Iraqi authorities to restore land and law enforcement, but it may be at the same time a political paper used by Abadi to liquidate his strongest opponents Maliki, Pass through Mosul Gate.

The deputy of the “coalition of state law” (al-Maliki), Kazem Sayadi, attempts to target the Iraqi Vice President by Abadi and his allies, stressing in a televised interview that the latter pushed for the postponement of the next elections, and the formation of a caretaker government headed for two years.

This scenario appeared to be a major concern for Maliki, who also warned of invoking some of the circumstances Cairo is going through in order to postpone the elections and the formation of a caretaker government, expressing his rejection of the postponement under any circumstances and considered that contrary to the Iraqi constitution.