Three presidencies agree on the candidates study and assessment of the names and postpone merging ministries

Three presidencies agree on the candidates study and assessment of the names and postpone merging ministries

Sun, 10 Apr 2016 17:37:48

Three presidencies agree on the candidates study and assessment of the names and postpone merging ministriesBAGHDAD – observer news A source in the office of House Speaker Salim al – Jubouri, Sunday, that the political blocs agreed during the meetings of the three presidencies to study the CVs and assess names by parliamentary committees, while it was agreed to postpone the integration of the ministries to the time of the last stage. The source said ” the political blocs agreed during the presidencies of the meeting that took place today, in the infallible Palace, the study of names of candidates by the evaluation of parliamentary committees before presenting them to parliament for a vote on them.” the source , who preferred anonymity, that ” the presidencies of the meeting agreed to postpone the integration of ministries in the current phase until further notice , “noting that” the heads of blocs stressed that “it needs to be legal legislation and other matters” .ccant three presidencies held a meeting on Sunday, in the presence of leaders of political blocs in the same context adviser in the presidential cult , said in a press statement Variety of the observer, said that “three presidencies meeting identified three months to resolve the issue of independent bodies and positions managed by proxy”, noting that “a panel of experts will determine the candidates for these bodies specification.” He added Waeli, ” The meeting identified the deadline because of the large number of bodies, and so that Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi study the names of candidates. ”