Three lawsuits against al-Maliki in the International Court of Justice

Three lawsuits against al-Maliki in the International Court of Justice

08/27/2014, 1 min ago

Three lawsuits against al-Maliki in the International Court of JusticeSources of the International Court of Justice, that there are three lawsuits Maliki condemns genocide, crimes against humanity, targeting civilians in Iraq, being responsible for all the top positions of the armed forces in the country.
Iraqi lawyers said: “The three cases are now in the Court of Justice against Maliki involving crimes against humanity, genocide in addition to the claims brought against him in front of the Iraqi judiciary.
The lawyers added: “The al-Maliki and as chief executive officer in Iraq will bear the consequences of prosecutions that will be held against him and what happened from the killings and the displacement and the bombing of cities and the fall of the cities and the loss of billions of dollars are paid out without any legal interpretation.
For his part, observers, said: “All items Maliki breach of the Geneva Convention and international Alrabah- known the protection of civilians during armed conflicts and local operations,.
Added observers: “The international courts can condemn al-Maliki by Article III of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which relates to expose civilians to danger, and for the massacres genocide,” and considered that “Maliki breach of all the Geneva Conventions and international treaties and international humanitarian law.