This requirement of the United States in return for helping Iraq’s international loans and grants

This requirement of the United States in return for helping Iraq’s international loans and grants

Views: 3278 Published on: 10-04-2016, 11:07

This requirement of the United States in return for helping Iraqs international loans and grantsBAGHDAD / Hassan Shammari:

Political sources revealed on Sunday, on the status of US Secretary of State John Kerry on the condition of Iraq’s three presidencies in return for helping Iraq’s level of loans and grants and facilities.

The sources said in the interview to the newspaper “Okaz” Saudi Arabia, seen by “Sky Press,” that “Kerry told the poles equation of power in Iraq that his country wants to end the intersections between all Iraqi political parties and the need for a unified government with the participation of everyone, even the United States can help Iraq to get the confidence of the international community. ”

She added that, “Kerry pledged to the Iraqi presidencies (the presidency, government and parliament) that the Washington of backing Baghdad in the international community if the implementation of the US demands, especially in terms of loans, grants and facilities, pointing out that” the most prominent American targets to help Iraq is to end the questioning the credibility or the role of America real and serious in the fight against Daash. ”

The sources explained that “the poles of Shiite power in Iraq and Kerry promised to implement the demands of the US, compared to strengthen Iraq’s status in the international community and to allow the International Monetary institutions to help Iraq with loans and grants.”

Kerry arrived the day before yesterday to the capital Baghdad, while close to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi official stressed that Kerry’s visit was to find a solution to pull the government out of “conspiracies” of the political blocs, and the push to pass at least partly in Parliament, explaining that “Kerry met Abadi and discussed with him the political crisis.

He added that Kerry assured Ebadi Washington’s support for him and for a variety of new, and that it would seek a convergence of views with the leaders of the blocks to pass this selection, pointing out that the US Minister promised Abadi pressure on the leaders of Kurdish political blocs, Sunni and Shiite, to accept a vote on the selection in parliament.

The official pointed out that Kerry stressed that Washington will support Iraq to overcome its economic crisis and facilitate international support for the country is also in the fields of investments, in case the political crisis and approved the new selection, revealing that Ebadi received assurances from Kerry for his survival in the post of prime minister, support for his new government and passed.