This is the last letter of Haidar Abadi

This is the last letter of Haidar Abadi

2018/10/28 16:52

This is the last letter of Haidar Abadi[BAGHDAD – WHERE]
Former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi presented a final message to the Iraqi people.
Abadi said in a speech received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that “with the end of the mandate of my government, and hand over the secretariat to the new government in accordance with the rules of peaceful transfer of power and smooth transition of the administration of the State, allow me to extend to you, the Majid people thanks and magnificence of your effort and jihad The path, security, unity and sovereignty of Iraq. ”
He added that “I thank you, I also offer you an apology for any negligence unintentionally, and all palaces because of the potential and circumstances Cairo, if you want only to reform as you can.”
He said, “My Iraqi people, I took responsibility in 2014 and faced enormous challenges that almost overwhelmed Iraq and its existence. Much has been bet on our collapse because of the da’ashi terrorism, the suffocating financial situation, the floods of the displaced and the disintegration of the state. We have won the bet on your sacrifices and your patience. We have preserved the economy from collapse and prepared the position of Iraq, and here to perform the duty of thanks and gratitude for the establishment of good authority, the sacrifices of the Iraqi army, the counterterrorism forces, the federal police, fighters of the popular crowd, Peshmerga forces, All those who supported us from our regional and international friends and allies in our war against terrorism. ”
He said, “My great people, and I cherish responsibility. We have achieved many achievements despite the difficult circumstances of war and economy. We have come to power and large parts of our lands and cities have been usurped by terrorism. Oil prices have fallen below $ 30 a barrel. And we have won by sacrificing the challenge of existence, unity and community peace. ”
“My government has succeeded in supporting you in many fields, including the fact that we have kept the economy and the dinar from collapsing, and prevented us from inflating prices. We have improved the production of electricity from 11,000 megawatts to 16,000 megawatts, except for the Kurdistan Region, and we were able to secure salaries and subsidies, .
“The past four years have not only been years of liberalization and preservation of the unity of the country, but also years of promoting economic reform, energy sectors, management and sustainable development, and also witnessed the active development of our military and security institutions and our balanced relations with the world. And security prevail and the unity of the community in the best form, .. I hope that I have performed the duties of the secretariat with honor, integrity and dedication. ”
“I have announced my support for the new government and will wholeheartedly support it within the parameters of national reconciliation, reform and reconstruction, and free national will,” Abadi said. Victory is a state project aimed at completing the building of the state and its cohesion and development and national decision, a project across the sectarian barriers, ethnic and partisan, has the balance of achievements and acceptable performance and balanced policy.
He concluded by saying: “My people have peace and an apology, and I assure him of my honor to belong to him, and to continue to work with him and him, and I change the position of responsibility.