The writer reveals the scenes of the task of nominating Abadi instead of Maliki and who leads the state deep {expanded}
The writer reveals the scenes of the task of nominating Abadi instead of Maliki and who leads the state deep {expanded}
2019/1/31 0:26
The leader of the Islamic Dawa Party, Ali al-Adeeb, revealed the important scenes in the nomination of former Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi instead of his predecessor Nuri al-Maliki, and who leads the deep state in Iraq.
“The atmosphere of the Dawa Party is competitive and a large part of it is negative, especially in the elections, and this is the fall of the other in its election campaigns to eliminate the National Alliance until it reached two fronts closer to the competition and the Dawa Party became part of this atmosphere,” the writer told AFP.
He added that “the Consultative Dawa Party supported the nomination of Nuri al-Maliki for a third term as prime minister; but there was a political blockage in the face of the nomination of the owners by the other blocs, which delayed the nomination was nominated Abbadi instead of the post.”
He added that “the wording of the letter sent by the Dawa Party to the supreme authority in Najaf and was approved by Maliki, an idea put forward in the political bureau of the Dawa Party and went, and answer reference was change, including the prime minister.
Al-Adeeb said that “our position, including Maliki, with the letter and the answer of the reference and committed to the results, and remains the nomination process was not done in the usual way in the party that the leadership all meet and nominate someone for the position and what happened to other forces are explained Haidar Abadi for the post of prime minister,” noting that ” “I was one of the supporters in the party that the candidacy of Abbadi went on whether the party agreed or refused to have international support in the matter, which means that there was a crisis in Iraq and the crisis was resolved in this way.”
The writer said, “After holding the conference and Maliki said in his speech that he merged with the new project and ended up, and the process was an agreement between the blocks in the lawsuit and other political blocs,” adding that “there is no obstacle even at the beginning of the receipt of Abadi for prime minister and there was harmony but the leadership Looking for its position from the management of the file of state and decision-making, which put an imbalance of views and could not unite the visions between Maliki and Abadi after that. ”
He stressed that “the differences that occurred during the four years in the government of Abbadi produced two theories, first we did not collect them in one list and adhere to the preachers in the lists and agreed after the results of the parliamentary elections in May last unite lists and because of views were not the Union and both responsible for those differences within the Dawa Party, , Noting that “the Dawa Party, the project of leading the state and correcting the path is distracted by two people is very painful.”
He added that “the political circumstance in which al-Maliki lived is not the circumstance of Abadi, who went through the expulsion of a preacher from Iraq, while the entry was urging in the time of al-Maliki,” accusing “the United States of America to enter the terrorist and the fall of Mosul under Maliki.”
He pointed out that “the period of Abadi rule there was a move at the level of Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and America was a catalyst of course in that and stopped funding is so urgent to be Abadi to stand with this axis to expel a supporter and its relationship with Iran was strong.”
On his opinion of the deep state, the writer said that “there is a state greater than the deep state and they are infiltrators of the former regime and are still the strongest in the current system of government and the result of the will of the blocks that issue instructions to stop accountability and justice of personalities,” adding that “the Baath Party so far inside Iraq and found Some Iraqi embassies abroad are holding party meetings there. ”
The writer revealed that “in one of my rounds found the Embassy of Iraq in Tunisia was celebrating the birth of [Saddam] and was collecting contributions Baath, a model of some of our embassies in countries,” pointing out that “the prime minister is a part of the blocks and is not left to himself to follow his national approach.
On the dissident of the Dawa party, the writer explained that “the Dawa party’s political party should be from the party and in the portfolios of al-Maliki and al-Abadi, the invitation was not a ruler,” adding that “the Dawa Party when it separates two lists and many of its members did not succeed in the elections,” noting ” The Dawa Party are united soon and during the conference and the development of rapprochement between the conflicting parties has resolved and my task here to bring together the parties of the party again and the initiative will be successful by mutual consent.
“I do not feel inside the Dawa Party strange, but I feel that he is looking to save him from dispersion.”
Al-Adeeb replied to a question about his non-candidacy in the elections that “the committees that investigated the validity of the electoral votes proved a large error in the election process in addition to paying for the votes,” recalling that “in the previous session we participated in the study of laws, including the election law, Saab and the president of the council was suffering a lot because he does not want to make the law a means to disperse the views of the members of the Council. ”
“He pointed out that” I voted for a certain person in the list of victory, but did not win “Daya” to repeal the law of the provincial councils or amend it to serve the citizen Not to serve the members of the Council. ”
Al-Adeeb confirmed that “my nomination by Abadi to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities portfolio was surprising and urgent at the same time, and was outside the concepts of quotas, and therefore officials of the National Alliance sent a clear message to the slaves including (you are not the one who ran).”
He pointed out that “the development of a variety of scheduling for the current government is unfortunate and the minister, who believes that independent is closer to extortion by the political blocs,” noting that “any political force in Iraq has political and military influence and its location to get Matrade,” noting that ” On the coalition of reform and building that is not based on the building of the state but is based on the formation of authority. ”
The writer said “his meeting with Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi and talk about the way to deal with one of the ministers with general managers after receiving two weeks the ministry has expelled eight general managers in the centers are very important,” noting that “special grades go to the House of Representatives to vote and the President of the Council hides until agreed upon them By the blocks. ”
As for the relationship between the Dawa party and the party of trust, the writer said that he was “looking for the name of the Secretary-General of the party mentioned,” Hussein al-Hasnawi, “saying” I do not know anything about him and his party, “likely” go to Iraq and the gravity of the situation, and the Constitution is responsible for all This imbalance. ”
“President Donald Trump is a man who can not expect most of his decision that is outside the interest of the people.”