The world’s oil reserves rose to 1.67 trillion barrels

The world’s oil reserves rose to 1.67 trillion barrels

17/06/2013 12:00 AM

Morning – agencies
led the expansion of oil exploration by the oil company in the world during the year 2012 to increase the total crude oil reserves in the world to about 1.67 trillion barrels, occupied the Middle East, 48.4 percent of these reserves of energy resources which play a pivotal role in the growth and development of industries Modern and promote tracks the global economy.
reported media sources quoting recent statistical company “BP” to be the world’s reserves have jumped over the past decade from 1.32 trillion barrels in 2002 to about 1.67 trillion barrels in 2012 due to higher oil prices stimulate international oil companies to expand explorations, especially in remote areas and deep seas and oceans which were bacillus in the past years, but the evolution of technology in the fields of exploration, drilling and pipeline construction contributed to enable them to overcome these obstacles and take advantage of the oil wealth in those areas. has fallen contribution to the Middle East in oil reserves from 56.1 percent in 2002 to 48.4 percent the year 2012, while the increased contribution of countries South and Central America for the same period from 7.6 Palmihely 19.7 percent due to higher reserves of Venezuela to about 296 billion barrels, although there are points of statistical cast doubt on these figures provided by the Venezuela during the past three years. fell contribution of the Asia Pacific to 2.5 percent, as the rate fell countries of North America to 13.2 percent, down from percentage of 17.3 Palmiham 2002 due draws a lot of oil companies to the areas most profitable investments in oil, particularly in the Middle East and Central America.