The Washington Times: Iraq’s oil revenues to pay for donor countries to reconsider
The Washington Times: Iraq’s oil revenues to pay for donor countries to reconsider Bmsaaadatha
20/11/2013 (00:01 pm)
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Saw American newspaper that Iraq middle-income country now and its oil revenues great, but it still depends on handouts of U.S. reconstruction.
said The Washington Times, in its report, said that after about two years of ending the military commitment to the Iraq war, is still the United States and its allies paying millions of dollars in reconstruction, even though that Baghdad reap revenue from its oil industry while increasing instability and the approach of the government of Iran.
Through the Trust Fund International, founded in 2004, brought together the United States and 16 donor countries other nearly two billion dollars for reconstruction projects in Iraq. After he was scheduled expiry of the Fund on 31 December last, was renovated Trust Fund for another year on the basis of a request from Baghdad. opinion of the newspaper that it is now difficult to justify these grants to Iraq, given the proceeds of Iraqi oil big. has said the United Nations In its latest report on Iraq Trust Fund, said, “These high levels of production, accompanied by global oil prices supported by geopolitical concerns, Treasury came to Iraq, including nearly $ 100 billion for this year.” The report added that “the situation in Iraq as a middle-income country has led to declining donor interest in him and reduce global finance him.” said The Washington Times that “the two donors in the process to withdraw now from the Trust Fund will be returned to them unspent them in the next year, according to official said at the World Bank, “adding that” the United States is not among those countries. ” The newspaper pointed out that “the biggest donors to the trust fund are the European Union, Japan and Spain., and despite the fact that the United States has contributed ten million dollars, but it has spent about $ 60 billion in the field of reconstruction during the war. ” and most of the grants went to more than 200 development project, half of which was not completed until the end of the year 2012, when he did not use $ 54 million at least from the Fund. and the United States supports Iraq in other ways. In the current year, given Washington to Baghdad, U.S. $ 470 million in foreign aid format, and submitted a request to give Iraq another $ 500 million in form of assistance for the year 2014. As well as this, the United States plans to lend Iraq $ 573 million to buy military equipment, U.S., and this is a common practice known as funding foreign military. defended an official at the U.S. State Department for assistance to Iraq despite growing revenues Baghdad oil, saying that the aid aims to perpetuate the company’s strategy with Iraq, a lead purpose. example, Iraq agreed to increase oil production in a part of bridging the gaps left by the international sanctions imposed on Iran and its oil industry, said the official, who requested anonymity. official said, asking, “Have you been on Iraq did he do it? Of course not. ” He added that “it is clear that Iran’s influence in Iraq, but we also have the effect of it. Has told the Iraqis publicly that we are their partners المفضلون.” Since he left the United States Iraq in December 2011, claimed the violence escalate to levels not seen since 2008. In last month, 743 Iraqis were killed and a thousand injured and 625 were wounded in bombings and clashes in parts of the country. In October 2012 killed 136 Iraqis and wounded 376 attacks varied, according to statistics compiled by AFP. increased tensions worse among the majority of the country Shia, which leads the government, and Okulaith Sunnis, which ruled Iraq under strongman Saddam Hussein and feel it now persecution. caused government offensive on a camp for protesters Year last April, killing 23 Iraqis at least a stirring cycle attacks by Sunni-Shiite and counter-attacks in areas of the country. Analysts say that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who took office in 2006, he could curb tensions , but instead continued marginalization of the year, prompting some of their collections to the armed resistance. says Jacob Stokes, an analyst with the status of a New American Security, he was able Maliki said “negotiate a cease-fire Local with the Sunni community, or set a personal Sunni high-level his government and give him some power. ” and added that “there are things he can do and produce a reduction in component sectarian low levels, but this is not the approach applied so far.” Since the departure of the troops, claimed Iraq is growing closer to Iran, which is predominantly Shi’ite and allowed to Iran , although Washington protest, the transfer of air weapons to the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad over Iraqi airspace. seeks Qaeda fighters, most of them years old, to take control of Iraq and Syria for the purpose of linking the two Islamic state. The rule is now in the strongest levels in Iraq since 2006, according to the director Counterterrorism Center, Matthew Olsen, the Senate committee on Thursday. observes Analysts everything from irony to visit al-Maliki recent visit to the United States, which asked which more military equipment. said Stokes said, “If you come to the United States for further assistance, it is not you can also help Iran to transfer weapons to Syria.” “I think that Congress would give further assistance if were not for arms transfers.” said the official State Department that there is diminished the number of trips Iran to Syria through Iraqi airspace, but there is “room for further improvement” in preventing trips Iranian Syria. Meanwhile, Iraq’s oil sector thrives. As the issue of the country far more than 3 million barrels of oil per day, and oil, such as approximately 9.38 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2012. expected to grow oil revenues. فوكالة Global Energy expects Iraq to be responsible for half of the increase in global oil production during the year 2035. Despite the presence of the needs of the many should be accomplished on the political front in Baghdad, U.S. officials say they are seeing some progress in terms of the agreement with the minorities, the country’s Sunni and Kurdish. has The official said the Foreign Ministry U.S. that “there is paralysis in the political situation. It is difficult for them to handle less issues when they can not agree on the larger issues.” He said the situation was “far from perfect, but Maliki now connects elders tribes in Anbar, and the President of the Parliament of Sunni Islam. and held a meeting of the unit in the past month to establish the rules of ethics and rules of honor. ” the official said, “They toil. It is hard work but we say we do not have the weight there, if we look at the eight months last in any situation were and the situation that they are now in it, it did not happen a magic wand. ” noted the official U.S. assistance for Iraq declined sharply almost half the $ 850 million that were given in the year 2012, and that funding foreign military declined to about 50 percent of what was given in the same year. official said that despite the oil revenues, he finds Iraq itself in tremendous need of development because of three decades of deprivation under Saddam and the war with Iran in the eighties. , there is a key focus point on cooperation on the rule that emerged again in Iraq and spread in Syria. The official said that “the biggest fears Iraq is if seized Sunni extremists on Syria,” adding that “such a situation that causes the complexity of massive on their borders Bank.” The United States plans to send military equipment and providing support intelligence for Iraq to be able to deal with this threat, which will give the United States greater influence in the country, analysts say. The paper concluded its report by saying Stokes “By the end of the day, we could not control the al-Maliki when we had tens of thousands of American soldiers on the ground,” but he pointed out that “we can persuade al-Maliki that he does not want to see his country fall again into chaos. You do not want be the person who caused this mess. ”