The Washington Post: US-German relations at stake
The Washington Post: US-German relations at stake
Thursday 25 October 2012
Follow-up – and babysit –
It is known that Barack Obama and Angela Merkel are politicians Hadian and Bragmatiyan not care about major initiatives virtual but tangible results. With Merkel, known Washington who must communicate while going through Europe crisis. In contrast, Obama offers to Europe desired image of the U.S. leader has long been that he is ready to invest in multilateral institutions and nationalities.
So why has emerged a broad divide between Berlin and Washington would threaten the entire Western alliance?
Because of a fundamental shift in interests and approaches, facing the United States and Germany differences may not be solvable.
Not based U.S. grand strategy to diplomats, soldiers and sailors but exclusively on trade negotiators as well, but it is known that the economic initiatives serve geopolitical objectives. The Partnership Support cross the Pacific Ocean (commercial agreement promising and multilateral) creates alliance addresses the influence of China and the transfer of additional U.S. warships to Asian waters.
In contrast, declining German officials focus on economic stability and sustainable projects. Before the emergence of the eurozone crisis, it seemed Germany were transformed into Western power “ordinary” interested to expand their political influence and want to provide the military forces needed to defend their values of liberalism and security in Kosovo and Afghanistan, but in recent times, is no longer Germany supports initiatives multifaceted equally at least in matters of security, and become less willing to transfer sovereignty to multinational corporations (such as the European Union) or to participate in international missions. As a result, emerged a strange mixture of economic confidence and refrain from military involvement, making Germany the power of geographic and economic use trade to expand its influence and interests.
Thus began the ambitious U.S. geopolitical and economic agenda German Atsadman. 18 months ago, Germany raised the ire of the White House when it joined Brazil, India, Russia and China to abstain from voting on the proposal of the Security Council to impose a no-fly zone on Libya. That decision led to the issuance of a lot of speculation that Germany wanted to reduce its supportive role in the Western alliance led by the United States and the trend towards taking positions independent and unbiased, such as those taken by the most prominent emerging powers.
But the rift real began expanding six months ago, at the summit of Group of Twenty in South Korea, having spent President Obama several weeks as he tries to convince developing countries the idea of global rebalancing, surprised while opposed German Chancellor that idea and took a similar position to the position of China and exporting countries other. Did not refrain Germany from voting in the file Libyan makes a big difference in the American plans, but Berlin and Washington and stood at the summit of Group of Twenty in camps contradictory in terms of the most important issues facing world leaders: How can restore governments balance to trade relations in the world and is must stimulate demand or impose a policy of austerity?
Unfortunately, Obama can not do much to restore support the Germans. Can enhance Washington and other allies loyalty through presentations about the political process and military equipment and intelligence. Does not care about the Germans Practical criticism these U.S. officials, means that Merkel will not listen to the advice of the President on how to manage the crisis of the euro zone. German officials say the second most important creditor in the world can not be a lot to learn from the most indebted in the world!
In the meantime, the relationship began Berlin and Beijing draw attention (it an ideal business partnership). Did not allow Merkel during her recent trip to China to complicate those “special relationship” emerging between the two countries because there are fundamental differences in political values
During the coming months, is expected to increase the spacing between the United States and Germany. Will be differences about how to float the global economy more visible, it speaks American officials before their European counterparts about the need to share the burdens of military, but is expected to insist the Europeans should not push them demands austerity to spend more on armies to coincide with reduced spending in all other areas.
M. J