“The Washington Post”: Iraq can come back to what it was from the civil war in 2006

“The Washington Post”: Iraq can come back to what it was from the civil war in 2006

Published 09/05/2013 09:12 AM

BAGHDAD – “arenas of liberation”
predicted newspaper “The Washington Post” U.S., on Thursday, Iraq’s return to what it was “civil war” in 2006, as it considers that the absence of U.S. forces would lead to the expansion of the war to coalesce بإلاقتتال procedure in Syria and transmission to Lebanon.
The newspaper published an editorial titled “impending disaster in Iraq and the Middle East,” which said that “the sectarian war, regional, which was always of the most serious consequences predicted the crisis in Syria on the verge of breaking out, the militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon, its commitment to defend regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Syrian opposition groups emphasizes that Hezbollah played a crucial role in the lion’s recent gains on the battlefield. ”

On the other hand, pointed out that “about 218 people have been killed in gun battles and bombings since stormed the Iraqi army camp protest year near the city of Kirkuk on 23 of April, while the United Nations says 712 people were killed in acts of political violence during the same month” .
were Iraqi army forces stormed the last month Square sit-in Hawija southern province of Kirkuk, killing and wounding dozens, including soldiers.
The newspaper pointed out that “what is happening in Iraq at the moment is similar to the events that led to the civil war there in 2006 with a اختلافين prominent are: the absence of U.S. forces in Iraq to quell the violence, and the possibility of fusion of the fighting in Iraq with the war and the Syrian move easily to Lebanon; has established groups al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq alliance shared between them, and control groups strongholds contiguous along the border ” .
and felt that “the Shiite militias in Iraq fighting alongside the Syrian regime, and the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki tend to turn a blind eye on shipments of weapons and fighters sent by Iran to Syria despite efforts repeated by the Obama administration,” in the words of the newspaper.
involved Iraq with Syria borders stretching for about 600 km, which is bordering the provinces of Anbar and Nineveh from the Iraqi side.
promised the newspaper that “the behavior of al-Maliki was largely attributed to what is happening in Syria, where it is feared Shiite leader that leads the victory of the Syrian opposition, which belong mostly to the Sunni-backed Sunni regimes in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, to try to re-impose the dominance of Sunni Iraq as that existed during the reign of Saddam Hussein. ”
experiencing Syria, a popular uprising demanding an end to the rule of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, and turned the uprising into an armed conflict with government forces claimed the lives of thousands, according to human rights organizations and humanitarian groups.
warn observers to the conditions of the region that the Syrian crisis began to evolve and take a turn sectarian and doctrinal may include the region in general and the neighboring countries of Syria in particular, and those countries of Iraq, which is witnessing multi-religious, sectarian and nationalist.
