The Washington Post: Biden lapses would cost too much
The Washington Post: Biden lapses would cost too much
10/07/2014 11:39
Agencies – newspaper Washington Post has a report on Monday, addressed slips of the tongue or lapses Vice President Joe Biden, which the newspaper described as the worst what happened to him until now.
And reviewed the newspaper lapses Biden that emerged, including his sentence in which he said, “Would not it be prostitution to be Vice President,” and Goof other and most importantly is insulting each from the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, when he accused of funding terrorist groups in Syria, and that the essential aim of focusing on the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad .
The newspaper pointed out that these serious allegations, angered countries that are supposed to be an ally of the United States, what Biden called for an apology from the United Arab Emirates and Turkey.
The newspaper considered that Biden put the Americans in an awkward position, in light of everything that happens, arguing that the people of America did not need for these mistakes, and showed the newspaper that “every person to imagine that it is possible to become Badin president of the United States in 2016, has dashed expectations,” adding, These lapses Stvkdh popularity.
The paper that has become a frequent lapses Biden frequently in the recent period, evident in the expressions used to market such as the word “whore”, and also be used for other expressions of barbarism.
The newspaper concluded that these errors appear fact Biden “neglected”, which is expected to continue in these slips of the tongue, it is likely that up to more serious errors that could harm American diplomacy internationally.
The paper disclosed that these errors would hurt Biden, especially after he showed himself as a serious non-political, and likened the newspaper Biden as a man you can sip a glass with him, but that you can not trust him to run your country.
The Times concluded that in the light of the world carried the United States to eliminate Daash in the Middle East, it is assumed that the Biden be diplomatically appropriate to support this campaign.