The US State Department: Remains in Iraq until the completion of the defeat of terrorism .. This is what we are planning now

The US State Department: Remains in Iraq until the completion of the defeat of terrorism .. This is what we are planning now

06/15/2020 17:00

The US State Department - Remains in Iraq until the completion of the defeat of terrorism .. This is what we are planning nowBaghdad today – follow up

The US State Department confirmed that the United States remains in Iraq until rid of the threat of ISIS.

“We will remain in Iraq as guests and we will maintain our commitment until the final defeat of ISIS, this commitment is essential to ensuring the security of Iraq and the United States,” said Morgan Ortagos – a State Department spokesman in a televised interview I followed (Baghdad today).

Regarding the strategic dialogue, she said, “We saw in the strategic dialogue between the United States and Iraq an important step forward in our relationship with the new Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and his government. There are many outstanding issues and we must remember that we achieved something together with the efforts of the Iraqi government and the Kurds and all of our partners in the international coalition, which is the defeat of ISIS.” Regionally, we know that ISIS is still a threat and we will remain committed to defeating it, and this is what we are planning now. ”

She pointed out that “the goal of the strategic dialogue is to continue to push the relationship between Baghdad and Washington forward, we are still working according to the agreement signed in the years 2008-2009, which states that we do not seek a permanent presence in Iraq and we believe that this thing is important for the Iraqis and Americans.”

On Friday (12 June 2020), the governments of Iraq and the United States of America issued a statement on the strategic dialogue that was held last Thursday, through the closed video meetings circle between the two parties.

According to the statement received by (Baghdad today), that “based on the strategic framework agreement of 2008 for the relationship of friendship and cooperation concluded between the Republic of Iraq and the United States of America, strategic dialogue discussions were held via closed video meetings between the two parties represented by the senior representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abdul Karim Hashem Mustafa on behalf of the Republic of Iraq and US Undersecretary of State for Political Relations David Hill for the government of the United States of America, noting that “the agreement covered the security, counter-terrorism, economy, energy, political issues, and cultural relations.”

The statement added, “The two countries reaffirmed their principles agreed upon in the Strategic Framework Agreement, in addition to the principles set forth in the exchange of diplomatic notes, and the correspondence of the Republic of Iraq to the UN Security Council numbered (S / 2014/440) dated June 25, 2014, Likewise, the numbered ones (S / 2014/691) dated September 20, 2014, respectively. The United States of America reaffirmed its respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and the relevant decisions of the Iraqi legislative and executive authorities. ”

The statement continued: “On economic and energy issues, the two countries have realized the enormous economic challenges facing Iraq in light of the two pandemic crises Covid-19, low oil prices, and the need for Iraq to adopt fundamental economic reforms.”

He pointed out that “the United States considered providing Iraq with economic advisers to work directly with the government of Iraq, in order to help enhance the level of international support for the reform efforts of the government of Iraq, including support provided by international financial institutions regarding serious plans to enact substantial economic reforms.”

And he added, “The two governments discussed potential investment projects in which American international companies are involved in the energy sector and other fields, provided that the working conditions are favorable.”

Regarding the political aspects, according to the statement, “the United States of America expressed its support for the Republic of Iraq, not only through close bilateral cooperation on the security and political levels, but also through its support for Iraq and its new government.”

The two countries reaffirmed their “importance of assisting Iraq in implementing its governmental and reform program in a manner that meets the aspirations of the Iraqi people, including continuing humanitarian efforts, restoring stability, rebuilding the country, and organizing free, fair and fair elections.”

The statement pointed out that “the United States, in cooperation with its international partners, affirmed its continued support for the preparations made by Iraq for the elections, and efforts to support the rule of law and human rights, and to return the displaced and facilitate their integration process, especially the minorities in Iraqi society that have been subjected to genocide by the ISIS terrorist organization “.

Regarding the security partnership, the two countries acknowledged that “in light of the distinguished progress on eliminating the threat of ISIS, the United States of America will continue in the coming months to reduce the number of troops present in Iraq and dialogue with the Iraqi government on the status of the remaining forces and where the two countries’ focus is towards developing a security relationship Naturalism based on common interests. ”

The statement indicated, “The United States of America confirmed that it does not seek to establish permanent bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq, as agreed previously in the 2008 Strategic Framework Agreement, which states that security cooperation takes place on the basis of mutual agreements.”

He cautioned that “the government of Iraq has committed to protecting the military forces of the international coalition, and the Iraqi facilities that host them in accordance with international law and relevant arrangements regarding the presence of those forces and in the form to be agreed upon between the two countries.”

On the cultural level, the statement explained, “The two governments discussed plans to restore the important political archive to the government of Iraq, and efforts to develop the capabilities of Iraqi universities. The two parties also discussed plans to return artifacts and the Baath party archive to Iraq.”

He continued, “The two parties reaffirmed their importance on the strategic relationship and their intention to take appropriate steps that work to promote the interests of both countries and to achieve security, stability and prosperity in the region.”

According to the statement, “The United States government welcomed the opportunity to reaffirm and strengthen its partnership with Iraq as the Iraqi prime minister begins to take over his government duties.”

The statement concluded, “The two governments look forward to in-depth discussions on the above-mentioned issues at the meeting of the High Coordination Committee for Strategic Dialogue in Washington, DC, to be held in July.”