The United States supplied Iraq with weapons free
The United States supplied Iraq with weapons free
Posted 08/04/2015 11:55 AM
Revealed the US Embassy in Iraq on Tuesday that her country supplied Iraq with large quantities of ammunition and weapons for free in March last.
And showed the embassy said in a statement that the military equipment provided free of charge to the Government of Iraq for the month of March, including 500 thousand ammunition rounds of 50 caliber for Army Aviation and 1000 anti-weapon-tank type “AT-4″, also included 1.2 million rounds caliber 5.56 mm ammunition and 350 thousand rounds of 7.62 mm caliber of ammunition and 12 thousand several First Aid individual and 70 explosives tube type “Bangalore Torpedo” to clear mines and barriers.
According to the embassy in a statement that the United States each day shipment of vital equipment to meet the most pressing Iraqi security forces needs in the battlefield, but pointed out that it is a lot of equipment, weapons and ammunition supplied to the Iraqi security forces for free – a grant from the American people.
And showed embassy in its statement that the United States supplied the kit and gear and trained for five brigades, or 10,000 troops under the direct leadership of the Iraqi security forces.