The text of the National Guard Law referred to the Parliament for a vote

The text of the National Guard Law referred to the Parliament for a vote

Tuesday 01 September 2015 – 12:00

The text of the National Guard Law referred to the Parliament for a votePublishes agency Nun news reporting text of the draft National Guard Law referred to the Parliament for a vote at the next meeting. Article One Definitions: 1. military forces: National Guard forces within the borders of the province and the form of their children. 2. administrative units: counties and districts that provinces constitute them. 3 – Balance: is the actual balance of the components that achieves the proportional representation of the components within the province in the formation of the National Guard. 4. The security of the provincial council is the highest body supervising the management of the security file and management of military forces in the province, which has set aside the governor’s decision two-thirds majority of its members and consists of the Vice Governor The head of the provincial council and his deputies. Article II: The formation of military forces: 1. The formation of local regular military forces in each province from the province itself only and is adapting the sons of districts, counties and the center of the province to ensure true representation of people of all the components, according to the proportion of the real representation in the same province society . 2. priority be given to employees of the former Iraqi army officers and mattresses exception of any laws or security controls, or political, such as the Justice and Accountability and up to the rank of colonel to be sent back at a higher level than they were carrying to honor them. 3. prevents the merging of militias and military formations of informal troops in the National Guard. 4. required in both be customized or returned to serve in the formations of the National Guard of good conduct and behavior and not convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or killing the Iraqi people or the attack on the (…..) year and be locked unit Iraq and not to divide it. 5. The adoption of controls determine the percentage of representation of the components within the military forces according to population density and diversity in the administrative units and to ensure the representation of all components and their diversity taking into account the specificity of some provinces. A. depends sons of the province of Kirkuk representation by 32 percent, Arabs 32 percent and response, including Peshmerga elements and 32 percent of the Turkmen and 4 percent of Christians, according to the official administrative units. (b) dependent children of the province of Baghdad representation of 50 percent for each range of Arabs, a representation or the overall proportion of the province of Baghdad and vary the ratio according to population density and diversity Almukonati in each administrative unit that does not affect the ratio General representation of the province. Article III administration and arming military forces: 1. formed the leadership of the military forces in each province to lead the band have autonomy in decision-making to Adarah affairs and linked to the governor and under the supervision of the security of the provincial council, who owns Cancel Military conservative decisions of the two-thirds majority. level 2 the leadership of the military headquarters in the province and have headquarters to command brigades and regiments in the province and district, each according to the local squad region. 3. military forces are subject to military laws in force administratively and legally, financially and laws setting and military sanctions and subject to the supervision of the General Alqaadh armed forces, under the control of the House of Representatives. 4 be arming the military controls in accordance with arming the comparison of military teams with the exception of Army Aviation, tanks and heavy artillery Air Force. 5. Military forces are operating within the administrative borders of the province, which is formed where and may not carry out military tasks outside the borders of the province. Article IV: the functions and duties of the National Guard: 1. National Guard troops would protect the borders of the province and the parties to the administrative units in cooperation with the security agencies in the security control and intervention when needed. 2. The work of the military forces and out of their barracks and spread when you need to, according to the discretion central to its leadership in the command center in the province. 3. required military forces of the laws in force and the instructions do not have the right to override powers and be committed to the application of human rights principles. 4. foreclose on National Guard troops execute the orders arrest or detention at all with the potential to provide help and assistance competent security for devices that have the judicial arrest warrants only. 5. The National Guard troops to provide help and assistance to citizens in times of disasters, wars and humanitarian issues and the logistical and engineering efforts help to the institutions of service when necessary. 6. For the leadership of the National Guard within the province to increase or reduce the number and composition of direct work after obtaining the approval of the General Command of the Armed Forces. Article V shall not be National Guard troops to exercise its work outside the borders of the province at all and may not be entering the forces from outside the province, both from the Iraqi Army or the National Guard to other provinces, or the rest of the security services from outside the province only after the approval of the responsible local authorities within the province or at its request an exception to declare a state emergency and war decision of the House of Representatives. Article VI: local committees in each province formed to implement the provisions of this law after the issuance of instructions to facilitate the implementation by the Ministry of Defense and committees are made ​​up of representatives from the Ministry of Defense and the General Command of the Armed Forces and members of the provincial councils and linked to three committees centralized President headed Deputy Prime Ministers and the membership of the defense minister and his advisers of National Security and a representative of the General Command of the Armed Forces and the people’s representatives from each province and be three committees monitoring and directed their respective sub-committees on the three areas are the southern and western and northern. Article VII: The Ministry of Defense to issue instructions for the implementation of the provisions of this law in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. Article VIII: This law is implemented after the ratification by the House of Representatives and published in the Official Gazette.