The Sudanese financial advisor reveals the date of the government’s implementation of the budget schedules

The Sudanese financial advisor reveals the date of the government’s implementation of the budget schedules


The Sudanese financial advisor reveals the date of the governments implementation of the budget schedulesA financial advisor to Prime Minister Mazhar Muhammad Saleh revealed the date for the government’s implementation of the financial budget schedules for 2024 approved by the House of Representatives Monday.

Mazhar Muhammad Salih told {Al-Furat News} agency, “Based on the effective constitutional path in issuing legislation, the start of the official implementation of the federal general budget schedules must be accompanied by its approval by the House of Representatives, based on the provisions of Article 77/Second of the Federal General Budget Law No. 13.” For the year 2023 (the tripartite budget), if that approval in the House of Representatives takes the form of (the law) or the form of the amendment to Law No. 13 of 2023 referred to above, then those amendments to the original law or the wording of the tables as a new law must in all cases be approved by chance. The President of the Republic, and then it will be published in the Official Gazette so that the legal procedures can complete all their prescribed paths.”
He pointed out, “After that, the implementation or application phase begins immediately unless there are instructions for implementing the federal general budget schedules for the year 2024, which may be issued by joint instructions between the Ministries of Finance and Planning.”
Saleh continued, “Despite this, the important aspect remains that the budget tables for the year 2024 are approved by the legislative authority and are accepted by legislators in the House of Representatives, and then the financial table for the year 2024 is issued and approved under any form of legislation in force, whether issued by a new law or a legislative decision.” .