The provincial government proposes freezing the results of the referendum and opening a dialogue with Baghdad
The provincial government proposes freezing the results of the referendum and opening a dialogue with Baghdad
2017/10/25 8:16
The Kurdistan Regional Government issued a statement in which it offered to freeze the results of the referendum on the secession of the province last month, an immediate cease-fire and the start of an open dialogue between the provincial government and the federal government.
The statement, published on the official website of the Kurdistan government, said that “the situation and the danger to Kurdistan and Iraq, imposes on everyone to be the level of historical responsibility, and not to push things to the state of fighting between the Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga.”
The statement added that “attacks and clashes between Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga since 16/10/2017 and today, led to casualties from both parties and may lead to a war of attrition and thus to destroy the social fabric among the components of Iraq.”
The statement warned that “fighting between the two parties does not impose the victory of any party, but leading the country to mass destruction and in all aspects of life, so it is a position of responsibility towards the people of Kurdistan and Iraq, we offer the following on the government and the Iraqi public and the world:
1. immediate cease – fire And the cessation of all military operations in the Kurdistan region
2 – freezing the results of the referendum process conducted in Iraqi Kurdistan
3 – Start an open dialogue between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government on the basis of the Iraqi constitution
The Prime Minister Haider Abadi said on the eve of the vote that the referendum ” Peaceful conflict among Iraqis, and a danger to the Palestinians Uttered. ”
He pledged Abadi to” take action to protect the security and protection of all Iraqis. ”
And Iraqi forces have regained control, since the announcement of the results of the referendum on the disputed areas in the city of Kirkuk, were in the hands of the Peshmerga.
The rapid progress of the Iraqi forces and control over the city of Kirkuk and The other disputed to the exchange of the two main parties in Kurdistan accusations of “treason.” The
Kurdistan region President Massoud Barzani, officials of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan rival responsibility for the military losses of Kurds in the city of Kirkuk.