The Presidency of the Republic ratifies the personal status laws, general amnesty and the return of real estate

The Presidency of the Republic ratifies the personal status laws, general amnesty and the return of real estate


The Presidency of the Republic ratifies the personal status laws - general amnesty and the return of real estateThe Presidency of the Republic approved, today, Thursday, the personal status laws, general amnesty, and the return of real estate, after the Federal Supreme Court decided, the day before yesterday, Tuesday, to reject the appeal filed against these laws and cancel the state order to stop their implementation.

The House of Representatives voted in its third session of its first legislative term, the fourth legislative year of the fifth electoral cycle, on January 21, headed by Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, on three important laws. At the beginning of the session, the House voted on a proposal to amend Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959 submitted by the Legal Committee and the Women, Family and Childhood Committee, in line with what is stipulated in Article (2) of the Constitution, which prohibits the enactment of any law that conflicts with the constants of the provisions of Islam, in addition to Article (41), which guarantees the freedom of individuals to adhere to their personal status according to their religions, sects or beliefs.

The Council also voted on a draft law to return properties to their owners that were included in some decisions of the (dissolved) Revolutionary Command Council, with the aim of restoring rights to their owners and removing the effects of the unfair expropriation that affected citizens’ lands.

Regarding the general amnesty, the Council also voted on the draft law amending the second amendment to the General Amnesty Law No. (27) of 2016, which aims to provide an opportunity for perpetrators of terrorist crimes and organized crimes to reintegrate into society after their rehabilitation, with a focus on the behavior of kidnapping people, which is considered one of the most serious crimes.