The opposition reveals in figures the reality of the government’s achievement in 6 months .. And shocking facts (expanded)

The opposition reveals in figures the reality of the government’s achievement in 6 months .. And shocking facts (expanded)

2019/8/5 10:50

The opposition reveals in figures the reality of the governments achievement in 6 months .. And shocking facts{Baghdad: Al-Furat News} The current trend of national wisdom, prepared a report figures to respond to the report of the achievements of the government within six months.
The report of the opposition detailed the completion of each ministry separately during this period and was as follows:
Ministry of Oil
Opposition: The Ministry of Oil did not show the objectives and rates of production and export annually in figures, which is a matter that the ministry should disclose to follow up and control the
Ministry of Electricity
Opposition: The Ministry did not provide details to prove the credibility of the percentage of completion of a number of projects. Or hours of planned processing access, allowing an opportunity to assess the level of achievement.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
opposition: a clear rise in unemployment rates locally offset by a rise in the number of foreign labor arrivals.
Ministry of Agriculture
Opposition: 10 projects stopped on the pretext of lack of financial allocations, although included in the government program, and the lack of a clear plan to reach self-sufficiency of agricultural crops and vegetables.
Ministry of Transport
Opposition: 15 projects were stopped and it was best not to include these projects within the government program because there is no solution to the issue of provision of financial allocations.
The Ministry of Construction and Housing
Opposition: 40 projects have been halted, most of which are housing complexes projects included in the plans of the government program, while the government report gives only a signature of an investment contract 100% completion of the project.
Ministry of Education
Opposition: delay training and rehabilitation of 6000 teachers and educational supervisor received within the government program on the pretext of lack of financial allocations from the World Bank.
The Ministry of Health
Opposition: The government report did not refer to any failure in the projects of the Ministry of Health is contrary to the reality on the ground, “pointing out that” one of the achievements of the Ministry of Health in the report is the completion of a book on health awareness.
The Ministry of Defense
Opposition: The government’s completion report did not address the time limits for the development of the Iraqi armed forces. The government’s report revealed a clear weakness in the coordination between the Ministries of Defense and Industry, which reached 0% for the settlement of military industries and the transfer of modern technology to the country.
Ministry of Commerce
Opposition: The completion of the Ministry of Commerce on the {preparation of a study on the status of the ration card} did not specify the time limits to address the delay or improve its materials, and the period of time for the study of the ration card ended in March 2019 has not been submitted so far.
The Secretariat of Baghdad
Opposition: The government put forward in its program 4 projects only in the Secretariat of Baghdad described as a “strategy” to be completed within four years turned out to be all routine and announced the government report completed three of them in the first six months of its life, and one of the achievements of the Secretariat of Baghdad strategy in the government report is The Sewerage of Opposition Sewage prepares a report in figures based on the government’s achievements report in 6 months.
The report of the opposition that “a committee of experts examined the report issued by the government on its completion and concluded that the actual completion rate is only 38% and not 79% as promoted by the figures announced by the government achievements in its report lacks accuracy and credibility
The opposition explained that the proportion of projects actually completed is 4% only according to a report of government achievement in addition to not addressed the federal government ‘s report of the relationship with the Kurdistan region.
She stressed that “some of the actions that it considered the government ‘s achievements in its report , a maintenance and printing of the book and the preparation of studies streams as the government ‘s report equated the achievement between the establishment of the refinery and the decision bit Commission agent for what. ”
She drew the opposition that” the government report pointed to the achievements of service to the government of Abdul – Mahdi , a complete pedigree in the era of previous governments and that the government report listed projects in the ministries and programs without monitoring Malah.anthy allocations